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[Update: I forgot to add an end date, Poll closes on the 6th at 8:30AM, multiple votes per person are enabled!]

I couldn't think of a pun so enjoy some alliteration!

Okay so, every month I get a couple people asking about League of Legends characters and tbh, I don't actually play the game but I've gotten to a point of looking up a bunch of the suggested Champions that I got my own lil' crushes so I thought I should let y'all decide which Champion's gonna win my heart next! Since there's uh... 143 Champions I limited this list to 8 options from ones sent to me as well as a couple that I just personally like the design of 😂 Some of them I included multiple skin options cause well, if they win I'll just pick one of them and go with it ahaha

Also, since I don't actually have a lot of background knowledge on these guys and mostly just want to draw their muscular champion bodies, feel free to tell me what you'd like to see them get up to (or even if you'd like to see a couple of them together? 😏)

Anyhow, if you're like me and don't know a lot of LoL then look these guys up (you won't be disappointed), and let me know who you wanna see next! Their character art is just... wow, I don't even gotta look up the NSFW stuff to get mine

Oh and before I go, keep sending in ideas for either characters or even situations, it really makes making these polls so much more fun and a heck of a lot easier 😂


Jacob Godoy

Graves and Braum are a thing in the community 👀


There was so much good Graves & Sylas art upon Sylas release ^^


Some slime action with Zac and Sylas maybe?

Eric (Paroxysmal)

mah pantheon and mordekaiser D: lol i know its cause you already drew them tho


Future request. Daddy Kratos 😁


ajskfgakjgafs I was so tempted to add them in anyways tbh, but I figure I should give the other champions a chance 😂


Oml, I've seen so many good Kratos pics. Might also do a sort of general Mythology themed month at some point too (Cause lbh Kratos could get with any deity) 😏


Ooh maybe in the future you can do a mobile games guys group if you're interested? because lord knows there been a bunch of art from games that I don't play that having me eyeing them. (Housamo comes to mind as the prime choice, but GBF, FEH also come to mind)