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Hi guys! It's been a while.

The next project that I am currently working on is Finana Ryugu. I have to admit, this is hands down the 2nd hardest project I have ever been working on besides Enna. There is a lot of demanding geometry in Finana's model. Particularly the Scale Corset. When I inspect her model in detail, I quietly told myself, "Man, I pray for Finana's official 3D designer not to lose their sanity because this is insane."

Technically speaking, it is possible to take shortcuts by minimizing geometry/vertices and calling it done for the sake of it. However, doing so would cause some serious problems during rigging. The first scenario that many people think of would be duplicating the scales and connecting them later. The weakness of this method is that when you try to stress test the model, the corset would be too stretched/scattered all over the place. 

The second scenario would be turning the scales into textures. To make the model bumpier, we can use a normal map to do our job. I would have to admit, I kind of like this method. However, it comes with a sacrifice. Unfortunately, the textures or the normal map would get stretched when you try to rig it, which is going to make the textures stretched and cause the nonexistent depth visible.

With that said, I will try my best to finish the animation this month.

I hope you enjoy this week's progress!

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7



Day 8 - Stencils, Custom Textures



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