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There have been many attempts to convert bioelectric potentials to CV and make music with modular synths.

Using Instruo SCION is the most common method.
I am also considering a project using biofeedback.

Ten years ago in Japan, there was an attempt to convert the bioelectric potential of plants into music.

This was broadcast on Japan's public broadcaster NHK.

The music was composed by Ryuichi Sakamoto.

The sampled plant voltages were composed by converting them into sounds and scales.

The plant voltages were sampled over long periods of time, tens of hours, rather than using instantaneous voltages.
Photosynthesis causes plant voltages to vary greatly.
Daytime voltages are higher and nighttime voltages are lower.
When light is blocked by clouds, the voltage changes randomly.
A modulated LFO-like voltage can be sampled.

This project is open source and publicly available.

Voltage sampling is done using an Arduino.

Source code and schematics are available at the link.


Forest Symphony

「木は光合成によって太陽光をエネルギーに換える, つまり電磁波をとらえる天才。その周期性を音楽にしてみたい」                                                  ―坂本龍一 森林や樹木の存在に深い興味を抱いてきた坂本龍一が、東日本大震災以降,その関心を具体的な芸術表現として示したプロジェクト「Forest ...



Very interesting, thanks! where exactly is the link for the source code and schematics? I couldn't see anything on the NHK page in the link.


https://special.ycam.jp/interlab/projects/forestsymphony/fs-download.html refer this page.


Very interesting topic indeed. I tried it with spad_electronics device when i was in the garden. Exciting experience and it is quite expressives to play / inzeract with the plants. Thought about continuing the work others have published but didnt came around it yet.