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I knew that the 0.4 version of the game was leaked on the first day, but I didn't confirm it right away because I thought I might lose the motivation to make the game.

These days I think my mood is more stable, so I went to read everyone's comments and thoughts.

In fact, I don't feel unmotivated at all, but rather I have more to say.

I found some thoughts that I'd like to respond to.

I'll respond to them one by one from my point of view.

1 [The game is 50% NTR and I'm a fan of Lover, so I won't be playing this game] (understandable)

I didn't consider this point of view during development.
My point is that I wanted to make a game that had most of the basic possibilities, including the possibility that each character could be NTR'd, and that each intruder had their own reasons for being stopped by the player.
All four female characters have the basic possibility to enter Lover, and whether they are harem or not is not considered, to me, it is also within the basic possibility.
I want to do is a liberal dirty playground, with the urban and daily to package, if you guys have fun in there, I'm happy!
Please don't mind NTR too much, I won't make the NTR in the game very painful or tragic in that direction, I just want to make it look very lewd, if you don't want to encounter NTR, be nice to the female characters, they will naturally reject the NTR event like this.
I don't agree with the idea that half of the gameplay is lost because of this.
It's because of the possibility of NTR that the Lover's sense of reality is stronger.
And it's because of the possibility of a Lover ending that NTR becomes more erotic.
Some content doesn't need to be experienced, as long as the possibility exists, it can greatly increase the experience of the other side, and that's the direction I want to take.


2[Games should not be developed in RM, because RM is garbage](I agree)

I've been using RM since I was 9 years old, and now I've been using it for 21 years.
I've seen a lot of great producers using RM2000 and RM2003 to develop all sorts of amazing games, and I wanted to do the same at the time.
After I left the game company a few years ago, I decided to use RM to develop a game I wanted to play.
I wanted to play a Shin Megami Tensei style first person perspective labyrinth, urban magic dungeon game, with adult elements thrown in for good measure!
And I'm limiting myself to using event commands for most of the game, like those ancient gods of the RM2000 era, so I'd like to see where my limits are.
Of course, I don't have that much time, I have to decide which parts I want to simplify and which parts I want to make more complete within the constraints of event command creation... (so the first person movement becomes a picture WW)
And the truth is, it's not my limitations, it's the limitations of RMMZ. Without the program code, RMMZ is a piece of crap, which I didn't expect
It even makes me want to go back to RMXP, which doesn't have as many problems as RMMZ.
But anyway, this is my first indie game.
I'll finish it with RM and fulfill my childhood dream.


3 keep yelling [the game is full of bugs and sucks][translation very incomplete] (true)

Version 0.4 is an internal beta, and it's not my concern after it's been leaked.
Yes, it's very buggy and hard to play, so if you can't stand it, wait for the finished version


4[The game is not censored and will not be released in Japan](What? WWWW)
It's not hard to recensor the game, so please don't think of it as absolutely WWWW.


5[Judy is more NTR, Gemaly is more Lover, Wizl is in between, Ealys is like a heroine, the NTR line was added later](For now, yes)

As I responded in 1, I want to fulfill most of the [basic possibilities] for each character, and after the distribution of these possibilities is complete, then the player will be the driving force to fulfill the direction of the story that they want to go in, whether it's a full harem, a Lover with only one female character and ignoring the rest, or a full NTR.
So, for me, it's not 50% NTR, it's not 50% Lover, it's not Judy's preference for NTR, it's not Gemaly's preference for Lover.
The final look of the game, I would call it [basic possibility of completeness], the player sandbox style experience of this playground
As of now, due to the limitations of the production capacity and RM engine, the content of the "Basic Possibilities" I'm talking about is really only differentiated into NTR and Lover.
I'm not going to argue with the proponents of this idea, I think as a result of NTR and Lover being opposed and losing half of the game content, it's a [not wrong] point of view.
But I think it's a better point of view to think of NTR or Lover as a compliment to the other side, to make it more enjoyable for you.
If you see the existence of NTR or Lover content as a negative for the other side, to me, it's understandable, but you lose a lot of fun, since the way the game progresses is pretty much determined by the players in free play, and only a very small part of the H content is forced to happen, most of it can be prevented by the players or with their consent






1 [遊戲有50%NTR而我是Lover愛好者,因此我不會玩這個遊戲](能夠理解)









4[遊戲沒有審查,不會在日本地區發售](What? WWWW)



我不會和這樣想的支持者爭論,我認為就結果而言,NTR和Lover對立,以及失去一半遊戲內容,這是一個 [沒有錯誤的觀點]


Feel free to discuss any ideas you have or other ideas you think I should consider.


Renatus- Z



這種模式不一定會使劇情非常好,劇情的邏輯的確會綁定在觸法方式上而必須有一定的邏輯,像是角色數值上一定要達到某種狀況,時間地點要正確,事件才會發生 但也不一定必然需要非常有邏輯,事實上在遊戲的基本內容完成後 如果你有看之前的設定doc,會找到[獨立ntr事件]的設 那些是一些AV邏輯的事件 像是黑心按摩店或是媚藥健身室之類的完全趣味性獨立事件 不會對故事有任何影響 我想做的只是一個下流的遊樂場,以日常,魔法,都市,來包裝 如果想深入研究故事,遊戲提供給你 如果想放鬆看下流的內容,遊戲提供給你 想找哲學的有趣思考,遊戲提供給你 是一場小吵鬧 我希望有結實的背景作為基礎下,大家都能真正的[遊戲]起來 這包括我作為製作者,希望在製作時像在[遊戲] 簡單來說,像是下流的過家家 我要把[過家家]的基本內容都放進去,這樣大家才能玩 當過家家的基本內容都在了 我們就可以加入一些像是 [下流的辦公室過家家] [下流的驅魔人版過家家] 這才是我的願景 是不是非常有邏輯的劇情並不在我製作的首要目標 但當然,完整結實的劇情背景會是這個遊戲的重要基礎,我希望我能做到

志忠 林
