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我知道遊戲的BUG多到數不清,請使用 Sex Test 功能訪問劇情 , 遇到圖片不顯示是非常痛苦,我明白,請重新開啟遊戲,暫時只有這個方法




I'm in a bit of a stressful situation.

Most likely I'll try to forget about the game for a day or two, do something I haven't done in the last two years, and get back to work on BB80.

I know the game has more bugs than I can count, please use the Sex Test function to access the plot, it's a pain when the images don't show up, I understand, please restart the game, it's the only way for now.

If you encounter a bug, it means there is no more content in front of you, so I didn't check it, please report back the status of the bug you encountered, mainly for the other players to know that there will be a bug.

Most of the bugs are known to me, but as I said, no matter what condition the game is in, I will release it on December 25th as a gift and a total report of the year's progress.

Next year I will continue to work hard to finish the game.

by.MedioTing 26/12/2023


晓帆 孙



目前玩下来不建议操作过快,有可能导致游戏无法正常运行,另外要看sex test建议存好档,看完了档基本上就废了,然后是有时候角色无法刷出来的问题,建议在一些角色常出现的地方多按下行动按钮来确定这里有没有剧情可以触发,然后就是帮助带哥特女孩见阿姨之前先休息好,不然见完之后帮阿姨进行手抄的时候会坏档