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和掉骰子下來比較,我想知道你們的感覺 Compared with dropping the dice, I want to know how you guys feel


It's not too bad, but I think the animation just stopping instead of slowing down really gives it a weird feeling. And the animation seems to miss some frames, it looks like it's jumping a bit. Otherwise, it's pretty cool


This system gives players extra control I will set up some ceremony ceremony 1: The day's Turntablel speed slows down so that players can try to hit Targets Number ceremony 2: You can choose one of three numbers on the next wheel ceremony 3: Get a chance to be re-transferred once


Some methods of giving the player control over the game, not to be completely randomized. I'll also try to create a slowdown effect, but if the roulette wheel spins a few more digits after the point is pressed, it's a bit hard to control, I'll try to find a solution...