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It's from an image I've seen in the last few weeks, but I can't actually find it, it was a McDonald's sex change image.

I really liked the concept of that one, and after thinking about it, I thought it would be perfect for the NTR situation that Ealys had envisioned, so I drew it up in a sleepless state.

The current setting is that the intruder is another demon, unlike the very broken Ealys, the intruder is a full state demon, but since there is no contract with any human being, there is no way to interact with reality, so basically it is just some kind of observer situation.

Out of his interest in the ancient existence of Ealys, this demon offers Ealys various kinds of help and tries to absorb Ealys' power.

Caven's actions during the process will determine how much Ealys needs this fat demon's help.

If the player's actions cause Ealys to need the fat demon more than she hates it, she will reluctantly agree to lend some of the power of her reality interactions to the fat demon so that he can help Ealys at the cost of, literally, absorbing some of Ealys's power and memories, and graphically... It's supposed to look like it's full of work.

Ealys' NTR setting I've been a bit careful, there's still room for adjustments before the actual production begins, so feel free to send me any ideas you have!




改為向Ealys提供她需要的力量,似乎是更合理的方向 Giving Ealys the power she needs instead seems like a more logical direction


Mr.Big.D 的用色還有調整的空間,等到真正進行Ealys的劇情時會開始研究 There's still room to adjust the colors of Mr. Big.D. We'll start working on it when we get to the actual Ealys episode.