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All convenience store items are now available for purchase

Now you can go to the kitchen to cook

Solved the problem of a large number of option conflicts, which almost made me have no motivation to make WW

Now you can use a lighter or a flashlight to illuminate in a dark environment, and consume power or white oil according to the time of use

The battery will be replenished automatically, and the white oil of the lighter can only be replenished manually

There is no eating option for the produced food, it will be added tomorrow, and the basic effect of each food will be defined

Took too long to make a test, not much content to use, and it's too complicated to cause real physical headaches? Hahahahaha

I laughed myself to death, WTF?

It is a more convenient way to set the display function of the characters. Now I can decide to display or not display the characters at any time without affecting whether the people present really exist

I want to find sound effects for making food, but I don’t want to find a sound effect for each type of food. It may take a little time to find a general sound effect

I want to use a flashlight or lighter for the character, change the vertical drawing when smoking and drinking soda, but when I think that there will be more and more instant-use items in the future, I feel unmotivated. Maybe when the game is more complete update it again

Now there are more content that can be interacted with. In fact, the motivation for production is also increasing, because seeing that the game is getting better and better, I hope that in the past two days, more basic systems that are not plot types can be completed.

Because I really want to put the plot into it! I have written a lot of plots! I have been preparing for three months! I really want to see the game can operate the plot! FUCK ME!

I want to work harder!

Although I said I had a short rest today, but in fact, I was very tired after talking with my friends about the story for a long time

Now I don't even want to have any entertainment, I just want to fall asleep directly...



Good night💤