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I found that all the plots are in the same page event, it seems a bit too crowded

The beta version will be released on the 20th

But there should be no function of interacting with NPC, and there will be no function of cooking, resting, and giving gifts

It will be more like a small demonstration of the original plot

But even if it is the main plot, I still made a free trigger system, so players have to find the location of the main plot in the world and understand the conditions for the main plot by themselves

The game will not make any English translations in the beta until H content started to be produced

After the new beta version comes out on February 15th, an English translation version will be produced before March 1st

When there is an English version, friends who can't read Chinese can understand the story and system settings

Other translations will be studied after June

June is also the time when the game is expected to be 50% complete. At that time, we can roughly study translations other than English, but we may also find that it is impossible and not make other translations

The current translation method is just to put the sentence into GOOGLE translation, and manually check the accuracy of the translation, and then put it back into the game

Unfinished Chinese original game project > Split this version > Make English beta version with split version

This kind of manual engineering I can accept doing this 4-5 times throughout the game.

But such an update is definitely cumbersome and time-consuming, so it is impossible to mass-produce an English beta version












未完成的中文原版遊戲工程 > 分離出此版本 > 用分離的版本製作英文測試版




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