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Why did someone always do the same thing ?

I found there's someone post my new comic of this month in other site.
I don't know what to do .I feel so bad but I  have no idea.

I would love to share, but I don't want you share outside without my permission.
I planned on posting the " Hanako vs Ashley" comics before..

But now I have to change the plan. 

If you are the 15$ or 20$ tier of my patrons, and if you think you've never shared my comics, you can message me to get the comic, I will send you the comic if you can promise that you won't share it.

Maybe it's a little complex, but now I need to find some trust..



I would love to see the comic and i promise not to share. Lol i like yo keep your work all to my self


i wanna see your work, and i will not share to anyone. a question, are you only doing it to works here in patreon, cause i found your works on deviantart being shared all over the place?


I would love to see your work and I promise not to share it,that's your descision to make


I'm sorry to hear you've been having so many troubles this month. Between this and patron making you delete some of your posts its not a great end to the year. I'll tell you that same I tell to all the artists I know. Yeah it sucks that someone is sharing your art like that, but its very difficult to stop stuff like that. Try to see something positive from it though. Anyone who was going to pay for your content is already paying and probably won't stop even if someone is spreading it around, and anyone who wasn't going to pay still wasn't going to. And maybe, just maybe, a few that might have payed but didn't know about it might come and start supporting you too now that they know they like your stuff. I'm not saying I agree with sharing things like that but just want to offer another way to see it that hopefully doesn't make you feel as crappy.


Sorry about what has happened to you. I would like to see the comic, and i will not share it out of respect for what has happened to you and out of respect for the way of obtaining it.


very sorry to hear that,I would love to see your work promise not to share it,I don't know if you can trust me, you decide


unfortunately freebooting is not prosecutable, and it bothers when they literally steal something that is not theirs, not respecting the creator's policy, you have all my support


damn I didnt know that happen! it sucks you got a leecher in here, I hope you can get rid of him some how. You have my support at least and I will be happy to recieve comics from you directly in messages.


Even inserting digital signatures wouldn't really help. In the end you will find your comics photographed somewhere else. Pretty much the same problem as with movies and even the big companies have problems protecting their copyright. The only thing you can really do is to believe the people here who voluntarily give you a part of their self-earned money and share your art with them. => I would put your contact details (Patreon, DeviantArt) visible in the comic. So you have at least the possibility to find new members, who had an illegal comic from you before but maybe want to support you. Probably they didn't even know you before.