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Thank you, thank you, thank you to all supporters for paying the October Pledge! and as always new work is coming to the galleries this month. Jarloworks&Co. turned 5 years old in October and the links and passwords for the 5 year supporters' permanent galleries have been delivered and updated with more Lv.3 Goldie content. Also it's my birthday next week, therefore after finishing and uploading the current commission at hand I'm taking a week off in a trip to Barcelona Spain, first for pleasure, it's a trip I'be been owing myself for too long, and secondly to get some feedback from the powerful Illustration and Comic scene over there, I'd pretty much like to get a bit more into comics next year, just and idea, anyway, that means I won't be at my workplace illustrating, but do not panic, I'll get some photo-based works uploaded to the galleries that week, and once I get back to my workplace I'll get into work on a new poll chosen DS Redux.

Plans for November: There is 1 commission coming, a DS Redux (vote on the Poll!) and a re-make from my old  works, also watch out for brand new Photo-Based works coming this month, one of them TOMORROW, Stay Tuned.



Congratulations! I hope you have a lot of fun. Take in the scenery.