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I'm really Thankful to all supporters for paying the September Pledge!, as always new work is coming to the galleries this month. October is special since Jarloworks&Co. turns 5 years old, thank you sincerely and wholeheartedly to those who have been there from the beginning supporting and even before, and of course great thanks to the ones that have appeared with their support along the way. Those who have supported from the beginning of these 5 years will get their lifetime galleries updated with more Lv.3 Goldie content (be on the lookout, it will all be sent through Patreon DM sometime this month). Thank you, thank you all, Jarloworks&Co. continues thanks to your support!.

Plans for October: There is 1 commission coming, a GindyGraws Redux, probably I'll have a Sohotashi pic with it's respective animated content made and another re-make from my old works, also watch out for brand new Photo-Based works coming this month, one of them coming TODAY, Stay Tuned.



5 years. How does the time fly. - from GindyGraws