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My dear Patrons, the computer I use to work on illustrations has become non functional, I press the power button and nothing happens, fortunately I made backups for the files I was working on so I'll see if I can be able to buy a new one asap that meets the same characteristics, maybe make the warranty valid for the other computer so I can at least get my money back. So, shit happens, I'm really frustrated because I wanted to finish the current commission and the Works color version of "Unknown Specimen" page 3 within October, but I'll just ask for your patience until I get a new computer set and ready to continue, the way I see it I'll be ready to continue the pending work from Wednesday on. I'm sorry for this delay but this is not even my fault and I'm angry and frustrated myself, in fact with no computer I'm writing this message from my phone, hope to fix all this annoying situation as soon as possible to continue my work. Also November will come with more new work than the previous months because I wont be working on any whacky over the top detailed comic pages, the only thing pending regarding page 3 is the works color version, after that it should all go back to the 3 to 4 updates per month. Also got to set up the 4 year permanent gallery for those who have stayed there supporting from the beginning, Jarloworks&Co has turned 4 years now, and of course there will be something for those patrons. I'll keep you posted on the situation.


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