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Some of the shines showing up, I'm please asking for a little patience here, just to be clear about comic pages, I'm working in each frame as if I was working in simultaneous illustrations at once (and it could be taken as more than one illustration considering quantity for the gallery), and as previous painful experiences have shown me, I do want to avoid working to a burnout rate. My work is all about quality rather than sketchy careless work, so this will be finished either tomorrow or even up until Friday if necessary to get it done well, also from now on I'll keep in mind that a highly detailed comic page like this takes at least 3 weeks to get finished and announce more accurate deadlines to you and the Commissioners. Needless to say, I always take challenges and this one must be with no doubt the most detailed work I've ever done and there's another page coming this same month as a follow up to this page. Once finished this will be available on the Lv.3 Goldie Membership Gallery. More WIPs for this and of course the final product coming, Stay tuned.




cant wait to see how this turns out kind of wish a scene like this was in more scifi films