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Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for your support, Jarloworks & Co. is possible thanks to you and your support is substantially important, as I mentioned there's a real posibility of my city going Quarantine, but on the other hand there's some few million people that have already been Vaccinated with the first dose here in Chile (mainly the elderly, health professionals, teachers and people with chronic diseases), so there's some slight chance of not getting quarantined, at least today my child was able to go to school which was a relief in terms of time to work, I just hope it lasts and this pandemic thing fades away.

These are the plans for March:
After finishing the current DS Redux there's 2 Shohotashi marker works coming this month and I'll be deeply concentrating on finishing Page 3 of "The Cave" (no more distractions), I will be able to finish it up this month if I work head on with it for the sake of getting to new commissions, there's a bunch of people already requesting commissions, some from here, some from elsewhere and I really want to get them done if the timing to work gets compatible with other eventual family responsibilities.

As always I hope you and your loved ones are well, and I advice you to stay safe, avoid crowded places and always follow the security measures. I wish you the best and hope this pandemic goes away soon, there is a light of hope with the new vaccines, hang in there.

Best regards, stay safe and take care


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