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First of all, Happy New Year to all of you, 2020 was quite a hard year in many aspects, but also full of learning, I hope this 2021 comes with infinitely better things and this Pandemic thing goes away, vaccines have started to be applied, so I just hope all gets better. Thanks for paying the December pledge, your support is very much important for the continuity of Jarloworks&Co and the production of brand new work, this is currently my only source of income besides commissions, so thanks, you're the best and I won't forget that. 

I thought I'd tell you also that January and possibly February too, will be quite more productive regarding new work than other years because I don't see any chance of getting out of the city (I usually took vacations those months), there's a real possibility of getting back to Quarantine as people here got irresponsible and careless with the virus and Covid cases are on the rise again (damn Christmas shopping madness).

So For this month: 2 Sohotashi marker works coming, I want to finish up 2 Works Unsuitable pics that are half way done and also I'm told there is already an outline for page 3 of "The Cave" comic so there's going to be WIPs this month for it as I go.

As always I hope you and your loved ones are well, and I advice you to stay safe, avoid crowded places and always follow the security measures. I wish you the best and hope this pandemic goes away soon, there is a light of hope with the new vaccines coming out, hang in there.

Best regards


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