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Well first of all the Biggest thanks to you all, you went though with the October pledge, which will help me to continue with this project called Jarloworks&Co, I wholeheartedly appreciate your support and interest in my work, and will continue making new material for you to watch, this is possible thanks to you, and I'll never forget that, I finally feel like the seed of my illustrative work, which I have made for 12 years, is finally taking some kind of root, and route, and I wish to continue working on this, with new illustrations, new concepts and brand new creations.
The 2 year (Goldie) supporters PDF gifts were delivered to those who have been supporting me for all that time, as well as the 1 year gifts, supporters will get their gifts either 1 year or 2 years when they accomplish supporting for those lapses of time (it's not only an October feature).

What's coming for November: 2 Sohotashi marker works coming, but First priority this month is to finish The Cave pg.2, this has to be finished this month no matter what, and as the Silvery Membership doesn't exist anymore (it wasn't working at all, in fact I got more scammed on it than supported), any "Works Unsuitable" pieces are directly Lv.3 Goldie Member exclusives, so hooray for Goldies, you're getting the newest and the coolest.
Apparently it's all kinda better in terms of the Pandemic here in my city, nevertheless, you can never be too careful, so we're still avoiding the outside to some extent, in fact my birthday is this month but I'm not seeing any chance of celebration, partying or anything of the like, it might actually be pretty family oriented, so I guess at least I'm taking good care of myself, my family and others. Getting the time to work is still something irregular, but I get on with it whether at night or any time I get mainly due to the, so far, homeschooling and daycare we've got to carry out along the day.
As always, I hope you and your loved ones are secure and healthy, and I avice you to stay safe, avoid crowded places and always follow the security measures. I wish you the best and hope this pandemic goes away soon.
Thanks to all, take care, be safe


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