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This is a news update to a previous "situation" post.

Things are apparently, sort of, returning to normal here, mainly because people do want to continue with their normal lives. Yesterday I had to go for goods to the supermarket, many of which are closed, so we had to go and queue up to get the goods because they're only letting a limited amount of people inside per group. Many supermarkets are still closed and with military surveillance so they dont get looted. Classes are suspended on schools and pre-schools this week, that means I have to take care of my child almost all day, and finding it hard to work for now.

In this scenario, which is a bit more calm that what we saw on the weekend, and even on monday, I'll be able to work a bit on mornings if I get the time and wake up very early, I do want to continue and finish up all the work that's pending, which is a lot, and I'm getting a bit stressed out and anxious for being stuck and not moving forward with the work I had scheduled.

I just hope all this situation calms down, what I'll try to finish as priority is the current DS Redux, and there should also be a new Sohotashi update this month. I'll also try to compile some old stuff to post this month, or start making a "sketchy stash" of my own (Jarloworks and Works Unsuitable) as a temporary measure to upload material to the Dropbox archives. There's actually a lot of sketches I've done and haven't seen the light, I'll start by the ones that are already online though (DA), and add them to the Dropbox archives.

I'll keep you posted on my situation and hope to get fully operational soon.

Best regards



glad to see things are starting to return to atleast a somewhat normal sense of normalcy man. stay safe with your family and take all the time you need