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What I'd like to express with this post is, besides wishing you well on this christmas, to thank you, because you have been my Christmas gifts with your support, and all this has really allowed me to flow better on my works, you and your support have been catalysts for new life on my creations, and you should be glad for that, because if it wasn't for you I might have left all this by now, many things have happened this year, good and bad, I had no job, and a lot of stuff to pay for, maintain a family, and mere dreams and aspirations don't pay the bills, so consider yourselves the Jarloworks saviors and I will make sure to do my best to continue bringing you the best quality work I can give, because you deserve it and because you've earned it.

So, from the deepest of my soul, I wish you all, a Merry Happy Christmas or Hannukah or Festivus or whatever you actually celebrate on this date, and I wish all of you well on this Christmas season.

Best Regards


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