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Hey minna~👋

This post will be just a whole of blah blah things so if you're not interested on that and want to just go to the important part, go for resume at end of it~😂

This year started with a increased in the support and i really want to say you all thank you for everything and even more for those who have been staying here for long time! there's nothing more important to me than you people who really enjoy my works enough to keep supporting me for still doing it, that's my real objective with these supporting sites! SO I REALLY THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT THIS FAR! 🙏

Personal Life 😥

On more personal matters, this last month was a huge rush for me, my mom had an hypertensive crisis that lead her to an ischemic stroke, not that bad and thankfully i was able to treat it on time so she was able to get back on feet pretty fast, she's right now under treatment for that and almost recovered from it, not gonna talk much about it but ppl in discord group where kinda interested so i talked bout' it more there.🤗

Commisions 📋

With that said, ofc the last commission i was working on was delayed to this month and must be finished hopefully before the first half of April, i have to fully thank you to that commissioner because he understood everything that happened and encourage me to focus on my mom thing first and then get back into commission when better, that was exactly what i did then.

Talking about commissions, i'm not good in taking them in, so those who have asked me about them, i may contact you when i feel like doing one, but not promise! sorry but things happens, some get delayed as said, and is usually hard for me to mantain an schedule and commissions make me kinda stressed cuz even if you do not really rush me or something, i keep stressing myself on finishing them as fast as i can to not let you waiting for it, and i kinda hate that feel, so i preffer to focus on works i'm doing and try to make it enjoyable for the usual content i do. Still this does not mean i won't do more commissions, but probably will have them on the last focus on my workflow from now on, you can text me if interested in one and i will tell you if i'll take it in or queue it for later or anything.

Game Developing 🎮

While being a bit out of worries in the last days of March after finished Fauna's Birthday Countdown, my mom was stable and doing some short works like Bunny Hole Fauna and Silhouette thing, i was also learning bit by bit how to do simple games on RPG Maker (doing it all by myself) and started a project to do a simple fan nsfw game, it is still in early stages but i'll be releasing an alpha when i consider it to be at least testable for supporters to get some feedback from you all if you're interested on me to continue it further after that, it was kinda showed on discord server for supporters on the VIP Content channel. So if you're not there, is a good time to join! :D

Discord! 😁

On that note yeah remember there's a community discord server where i usually ping when there's a new post on twitter or sometimes i show some work in progress there to just not make another patreon/fanbox post for it, we're usually chilling there so you can join to talk with community from time to time or just to be aware of all my new content!you can join by linking your account to patreon for autoroles for your sub or by this link: https://discord.gg/yHCwxnpM7B (But this way you won't have autorol, if you're coming from Fanbox you need to tell me who you are there to give you the roles! -don't be shy i won't bite you-).

Future contents 🧑‍🎨

Aaand about future content besides the game, i'm trying to get everything done (pending works) to get into a long comic (NSFW OFC XD) with KronFauMei with a huge focus on exhibicionism fetish, when free of work i plan to do that one 1 chapter per month and planning it to be at least 4-5 chapters long (for now). That way there will be more of a monthly for sure workflow that you can expect from me.

I think this is enough to say for now...

Resume ✍️

Lots of thank you~ Mom was sick but is okay now, Working on a commission right now but not offering them for a while (Sorry), Learning how to RPG Maker and working on a game on it (Spoilers on Discord), Discord join encouragement and Future plans on doing a long KronFauMei Exhibicionism comic (TBS).

That's it guys, again, thank you so much for your support so far and even those who haven't join but like my works, that's still support!! sharing my works counts toward it too so don't get you down because you can't support me in another way, that still help me a lot :D

Bya bye and have a wonderfull next quarter of year! 🤗



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