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the year is more than half way over and overall, this has been a good year so far. Health and happiness is nice and high, my actually job is a complete shit show right now, but that means high job security, cuz I am the only one that can really whip things back into shape. But you aren't here to hear about my boring life, you are here for scantily clothed (if clothed at all) toons in all their glory. So, with that in mind, I've made a few changes, and I have two opportunities for all you patrons.

Changes to Image Drops

Next month I will start previewing Tier 2 exclusives on Fridays 1 and 3 (and 5 if there are 5 Fridays in the month). The obligatory "action" pose for Tier 5 patrons will drop on the last day of the month or last Friday if I feel like being lazy. That means Tier 1+2 images will be previewed on Fridays 2 and 4.

I will also be uploading the full clothed/SFW(ish) lineart the preceding Monday at 1k resolution. The full 4k clothed and nude linearts will only be found in the end of the month download. 

Patron Opportunities

#1 - Patreon Goal Cleared: If you look on my main page it said I reached my 2nd goal last month, but not really. Goal 2 was clear a certain dollar point per month, which technically I have the pledges to make, but every month there are a few payments that are declined, so I haven't actually hit my goal. I think I will be hitting it at the end of this month, and that means that next month I'll be loading all active patrons into a spreadsheet and having it pick 2 at random to be the recipients of a full color commission.

#2 - I draw your art: I'm gonna set up a public folder for you all to drop in some art of your own. It can be on any medium, doesn't have to be drawn directly to digital. If you wanna scratch something out on paper and then take a picture with your phone, that's fine. But I'll have you upload the image and small description of it to my folder and then I will select one to redraw in my style as an exclusive commission for that patron. 

I hope to continue to grow this account, and I know to do that I need to be more engaging. I promise to do my best to post more WIPs, more patron polls, and the occasional day to day ramblings of my otherwise dull life. Just a little background on me: I am in my 40s, I have children (1 tween and 2 teens), I still play soccer and basketball, love anime, sci-fi, collected comics through most of my youth (Marvel), and I am an aerospace quality engineer in my real life. I created this account just to see if other people enjoyed my art, and I've been very happy with the results. Any and all money made from this account is used to spoil my children either with special nights out at their favorite restaurants, or for small getaways. After last month, you have all helped the kiddos get a couple nights at their favorite waterpark.

I know I say this at the end of each months rewards message, but truly, thank you for your support. It's always nice to know that other people enjoy my artwork. And hopefully, once things get back to normal at work, I to can get back to my Chi-Chi/Gohan comic. I've slowly been working out an actual storyline in my head, and I need to put it to paper before I forget. 

That's it, I've rambled on long enough, and if you've made it this far, bully for you.





Hi I am paying Tier 2 Membership but I am not getting Tier 2 images . What am I doing wrong?


Did you read the welcome message when you signed up or the "How it works" section on my page, it explains the process.


I guess I didn't read it correctly, please is their any chance you can send me the 'How it works" message again?