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On Saturday, I ran a CYOA scenario on Twitter using a series of 15-minute polls to initiate 3 hours of collaborative storytelling. It was a fun exercise in creativity, and something I would definitely consider doing again. For those of you who don't follow me there, you can read the full story here -- with fixed typos and a few minor embellishments :)


You are a political prisoner at the castle of Lord Baylor. You have been held for three weeks, and though you are closely monitored, you have been treated courteously. Nonetheless, you plot your escape. You give the man assigned to tail you the slip and find Andrea, captain of the guard, training the new recruits in the yard. “Andrea,” you say casually. “A moment?”

Andrea is tall, with sleek dark hair pulled into a ponytail. For training, she wears a simple sleeveless shirt and pants that reveal strong, toned arms. She glances at you with blue eyes so dark they almost appear black. Calling orders to her second-in-command over her shoulder, she allows you to lead her away.

“What do you want?” she asks you, her tone polite but her eyes sharp.

You used to be renowned for your charm, why not try to seduce her? “I wanted to tell you how beautiful I find you.” Her eyebrows shoot up.

“Excuse me?” she says. It seems you managed to surprise her, for once.

“I find you beautiful,” you say again, smiling. 

Andrea looks at you suspiciously. “You’re up to something.”

“No, really,” you insist. “Is that so hard to believe?”

You slip off a necklace—it’s a simple sapphire pendant on a cord, but the stone is flawless. “A gift,” you say quietly. “To match your eyes.”

“I can’t possibly take this,” Andrea whispers. Suspicion wars with sincerity; you see it in her face.

You slip it into her hand. “Please. I want you to have it. Meet me at midnight—my room.”

At midnight, you wait in your room, heart pounding, unsure if she will come. As the minutes drag, you reconcile yourself to failure, but then you hear it...a firm knock on the door. Andrea has come. You open the door.

Andrea stands there. She has changed since morning’s practice into a dark red tunic that, despite its loose fit, doesn’t quite hide her stunning body.

You beckon Andrea into your room, out of sight from prying eyes. Closing the door behind her, you confess, “I didn’t know if you’d come.”

Andrea smiles, a glint in her eye. You notice she’s wearing your necklace. “I liked your ballsyness, what can I say?”

You see the ring of keys belted at her hip. You need to get them off her to make your escape. The clock is ticking before the change of the guards: you need to get a move on.

You reach out to undress Andrea. She grabs you by your wrists. “No,” she says with a wolfish smile. “You invited me. YOU show me what you’ve got.” This time, you’re the one caught by surprise.

“Ah, okay...”

“‘Okay, Captain,’” she corrects you.


You begin to undress, unbuckling your belt and stripping off your tunic and undershirt. Andrea moves in, locking lips and putting her hands on your chest. You meet her kiss, your tongue sliding up against hers. Her mouth is warm and surprisingly soft.

She begins to undress, her movements quick and clean like a fighter’s. Breasts bare, she presses against you, and you can feel your pendant slide against your skin. Her hands wander lower, and she massages your hardening cock through the fabric of your pants. You moan…

Despite the urgency of your situation, you begin to forget why you asked her to your room in the first place. 

“Please, Captain. Let me worship you,” you murmur.

Andrea smiles. “It would be my pleasure.”

Andrea undoes her ties and pulls off her breeches until she stands naked before you. Distantly, you register the clanking of her keys as she discards her clothing upon the floor. You gaze at her, awestruck by the goddess before you.

Andrea commands you down on your knees, your back to the bed you have been sleeping on during your captivity. She swings her leg up over your shoulder, revealing the delicate folds of her cunt. Eagerly, you press forward, your tongue finding her firm clit.

You give her the best you have to offer, as though all of time had frozen for you to savor this one moment. You run your tongue along her folds, tasting her damp desire. You stroke and suck, stroke and suck. Her hands knot in your hair, urging you deeper.

You oblige. Your tongue probes her wetness, slipping into her. Inside, she is warm and smooth like the innermost petals of a flower. Saliva mingled with her own wanting drenches your lips. Your own cock throbs unbearably in the tight encasing of your pants, but your tongue is determined, unyielding.

You sense her orgasm a moment before it happens. There is a sharp intake of breath. Her fingers tighten painfully in your hair. And then she is arching her back, closing her thighs around you, as she gives a cry of pleasure and fulfillment.

You can’t resist another stroke of your tongue, another languid probe. You lap up the salt of her cum...until she pushes your head back. When you look up at her, Andrea is smiling. “Not bad, lordling.”

You can feel the precum leaking from the head of your cock, but it occurs to you that now would be the time to act. You wrestle with a moment of indecision, torn between wanting to see this one-time encounter through to the end, and seizing this opportunity for freedom. Swallowing, suddenly afraid of what she might say or do, you sit back on your heels.

“The truth is, Andrea, I need your help to escape. Tonight. In twenty minutes the guard will change, and if I manage to get out past Baylor’s defenses, I can make it to safety.”

Never mind she is completely naked while you still have your pants on. She stares you down, and with the contemptuous look she gives you, you might as well be the one without a stitch of clothing on. “So everything you said...was just lies to soften me up? Convince me to betray my lord?”

“N-no, not at all. Everything I said, I meant,” you stammer. All your practiced charm is deserting you in this crucial moment. Fumbling, you press on. “You know that what Lord Baylor is doing is wrong. I’m telling you the truth now because I respect you too much to lie.”

A long moment passes. You’re almost sure she’s about to call the guards on you, and this time, captivity won’t be so gentle. But instead, she reaches for her clothing and begins to dress. Without glancing up at you, she says, “I’ll give you what you need, but only because you’re clearly too foolish to last here long.”

You stand up, thanking her, but she silences you with a finger to your lips. “Don’t thank me yet. I’m keeping this pendant as a token of payment, and if you ever cross paths with me again, a hard-on won’t be the only thing I’ll leave you with.” She eyes you, considering. That wolfish grin returns, sending a thrill of excitement and mild terror through you.

“On second thought...”

Grabbing your swollen cock with her right hand and squeezing it painfully, Andrea’s mouth dives down on your neck and she nips you...hard enough to leave a mark. Tears spring to your eyes as you stifle a yelp. “That’s for the journey home,” she says sweetly.

With Andrea’s help, you’re able to make your escape undetected past the guards. Still, as you slip away into the surrounding forest on foot, you can’t help but wonder if you’ll ever see her again... [The End]


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