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He was waiting for her when she returned home. The moment she stepped up to the door, keys jangling in hand, the door swung open, and there he was in his leather harness, looking both sheepish and eager. Given how shy he had been when he first moved into her apartment, she found this new brazenness adorable. She was tempted to shower kisses upon his smooth-shaven cheeks and to nuzzle those hard little nipples, but she forced herself to move slowly. Patience was an important virtue in a sub. It wouldn't do to spoil him too soon.

She handed him her coat and scarf and went to the kitchen to pour herself a drink. He was back in a matter of seconds. He hovered at the edge of the marble island, too well-behaved to ask her to hurry, too impatient to feign nonchalance.

She left her glass in the sink and in due time settled onto the stuffed gray sofa in the living room. Acknowledging him at last with her full, undivided attention, she patted her lap and eyed him from beneath heavy lashes.

"Now, let's see what we have here..."



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