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Penelope had shown up to the costume ball more out of obligation than because she had any expectation of real entertainment. She was long-time friends with the host, the Lady Lavinia, and it was only at the latter's begging that she finally gave in and agreed.

Yet when Penny set eyes on the man standing uncertainly by himself in a convincing imitation of baroque dress, grasping a glass of expensive wine with both hands like it was a lifeline out of hell, she felt the first stirrings of real interest. His name was Darren, she soon discovered, and this was his first party since his recent divorce.

Lady Lavinia, turning to find her friend, saw her crossing the room toward the lone man. With a little sigh, Lavinia turned back to the crowd. She knew from experience that Penelope was lost to them all until she had completed her conquest. Lavinia only hoped that Penelope remembered to avoid the expensive upholstery this time around.

A light touch at his elbow, and Darren looked up from his glass to find himself ensnared in the gaze of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. With raven black hair and pale green eyes, she looked like a siren ready to call her victim to ground.

"Hi," he said stupidly.

"Hello," she smiled back, her lips curving in a perfect crimson smile.

They must have talked as she led him away from the ballroom floor to an unoccupied music room, but he could hardly remember about what. All he knew was that he was compelled to follow her, like a fish on a line, as she closed the door and locked it.

"Now then, my dear," this strange woman said, drawing in close. "Tell me: what sordid fantasies do you have?"

They did not get to all of his fantasies that night. No, there would be time later for more midnight rendezvous. That night, she stripped him down to his underwear and beat him soundly with his own belt across his buttocks. She bound his erection with ribbon to prevent his ejaculating too soon and made him give her head until she was sopping wet with the juices of her own orgasm. Had someone pressed their hear to the music room door, they might have heard his sobs as he begged her on hands and knees to let him cum, but Penny had chosen her room well and no one disturbed them. She was quite at her leisure to tease and torment the poor man as she pleased.

Finally, as the hour hand drew close to one, she relented and let him reach carnal fulfillment atop the piano bench. Tilted back against the closed antique instrument, arms locked around his knees, he watched through desire-glazed eyes as she slipped on a Latex glove and proceeded to finger-fuck him as she sucked off his throbbing cock.

He scarcely lasted three minutes. He was a coiled spring, ready to release, and release he did, with an aching cry and a violent shudder that sent cum arcing over his sweat-dampened shirt. He stared dazedly up at his seductress, unable to fathom the extent of the depravity to which he'd finally succumbed.

Penny reached over and, with her unsoiled hand, dipped her finger in the white fluid spattering his chest and dabbed it on his cheek, marking her territory.

"Perfect," she said, her eyes slanting in mirth. Mine, those siren's eyes promised.


Hi everyone! For my $10 patrons, I've got the next 3 pages of The DreamZone sketched out on my computer. Should have them up by end of this week -- apologies for the delay! Again, none of my current patrons will be charged for the month of August.





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