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There was a new trick his mistress was training him to perform. She would have him sit on the ground, his hands on his knees, and... "Wait."

When she had first described this to him, he had chuckled. It didn't sound so bad, not compared to some of the other things they had tried. But she had merely winked and said, "We'll see if you feel the same way after a couple of weeks."

Waiting, he soon learned, was terrible.

It came when he least expected it, when he was just getting really, really into whatever foreplay they were doing. Out of nowhere, she would hold up a hand and say the dreaded word. Wait. And he would have to clamber off whatever bed or couch they were on and assume his position on the floor, while his mistress toyed with herself smugly. Sometimes, she even got her vibrator and came right in front of him, arching her back and moaning with pleasure. And still, he would have to wait. Wait until whatever mental timer she had in her head ran its course, and he was allowed to get up and resume.

She made sure to treat him well afterwards. She pampered him and coddled him and told him what a good boy he was. It almost -- almost -- made those long few minutes worth it.



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