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"Come here," She said, beckoning him.

He walked obediently toward Her, his heart pounding. She had spent the last few months training him, teaching him how to suppress his own desires to better serve Hers and opening his eyes to the true meaning of subservience. He knew that this was it: the day She decided whether he was worthy of being collared. Of being Hers.

Her hand reached for the collar of his T-shirt, and he caught his breath as She pulled it aside, exposing his bare neck and part of his shoulder.

She touched a light finger to the hickeys that were fading from his skin.

"I've kept you busy, haven't I?" She asked him, smiling. She let go of his collar, raking him hungrily with Her eyes. He knew She found his body pleasing -- that was the main reason She'd bothered answering his clumsy attempt at a come-on at the packed bar that had been their first encounter.

That night at the bar felt like another lifetime ago, a distant memory that belonged to someone else. He'd been so cocksure and full of swagger then, his ego inflated by the way women used to cut their eyes at him from across the room. Now She was the only one he saw, the only one who mattered. She had taught him so much, and yet he knew there was still a lifetime to learn.

She raised the heel of a heavy platform shoe.

"Lick my shoe," She said.

It was a simple test of his commitment. Betray the slightest twitch of hesitation, the slightest blush of chagrin, and he'd fail. Unerringly, he sank to his knees and lifted her foot to his mouth. He caressed the black leather with his tongue until it gleamed with his saliva.

She watched him work for a few long moments, then tilted Her foot up. "Soles too," She commanded.

He obeyed. He suppressed the urge to choke back on the sand that dusted the bottom of Her shoes. He was careful to keep a straight face, to evince no sign of disgust or discomfort. Sometimes She liked those moments of candor, but this was not the time for that. This was the time for steady obedience and unwavering loyalty.

Please, he thought silently, desperately. Please let Her find me worthy.



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