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"Room service, Ma'am," the voice at the door said.

She had just kicked off her uncomfortable dress shoes and fallen back onto the hotel bed, but the thought of the refreshments got her up on her aching feet and headed for the door. 

She faltered back a couple paces as the door swung open.

"My goodness," left her mouth.

Before her stood two very handsome young men in crisp white dress shirts and black bow ties. They smiled graciously down at her. One held a silver serving tray with a beautifully laid fruit and cheese platter. The other held a bottle of wine as it cooled in a bucket of ice.

"May we enter?" the one on the left asked.

"Yes, of course, please."

As they came inside and moved purposely around her hotel suite, getting everything ready, she couldn't help but joke: "So, do you come with the food, too?"

One of them smiled broadly. "Why, we can if you want us to."

"But that's going to cost extra," the other added with a wink.

Halfway through a chuckle, she stopped and stared at them both as she realized that they were actually quite serious. What -- what was this? Now that she thought of it, her friend Natalie had mentioned that this particular boutique hotel came with special services. But this was madness!

"All right," she said a little hoarsely. "Show me what you've got."



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