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"Lay on my lap," she ordered, and biting his lower lip, he obeyed.

Today she was wearing a crisp collared shirt opened a couple buttons and dark pencil jeans. It was the outfit she wore when she worked from home but needed to look presentable in case she had any mid-morning meetings.

In this moment, however, her attention was not on her phone, or her email inbox. Her clear gray eyes were settled squarely on him as he bent over her lap, ass sticking up in the air.

He felt just the slightest disturbance of air, and then -- wham. The flat of her palm connected with the round mold of his right buttock, and he felt fat and muscle jiggle. It took another moment for him to register the sting, and then -- wham -- down her hand came on his left buttock this time.

"How many times," she said sternly, "have I told you not to leave the A/C on when you leave the house?"

"I don't know," he mumbled. "A few times."

"At least. And did I not tell you what would happen next time I caught you leaving the house with it on?"

"Yes, Ma'am..."

"Well, what did I say?"

Down her hand came again, not hard, but sharply all the same. In all the time she had spoken, she had not broken the steady, methodical rhythm of her punishment.

"You'd...spank me...until I'd learned my lesson."

"That's right," she said, sounding pleased, though he couldn't see her face, bent over her lap as he was.

He blinked back tears as her hand came down yet again on tender skin. She was right, he knew. This pain and humiliation was only fair, especially since he'd agreed to it. So how had he actually forgotten?

"What time is your next lecture?" she asked him.

"One-thirty, Ma'am."

"Perfect. We should finish just in time, so don't worry."

He didn't say anything. He almost wished that she would make him late, just so he could avoid sitting on a hard wooden seat before his ass cheeks had lost some of their tenderness. But she was too precise for that. No doubt, she had calculated the timing of this just to achieve that very effect. What was he to say?

"Thank you, Ma'am," he said hoarsely.



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