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She stood over the pair of them, enjoying their discomfort.

"Isn't this what you wanted?" she asked coyly. "To fuck each other to your heart's content? Now I'm giving you permission. Please, be my guest."

It had been two weeks since she'd found her husband cheating on her with the new woman at work, two weeks since she'd started to hatch her plot for revenge. It hadn't been particularly hard to find compromising evidence; they had been so confident she'd never discover the affair that they had become careless.

Everything she had ever achieved, she had done so with her own blood and sweat. She had clawed her way up from the bottom, driven by sheer determination. They had said she was too ambitious, but her ambition carried her through. Despite her difficult start, she got an education at one of the best universities and landed a job at a highly competitive law firm. She married the man of her dreams--a handsome, smart, well-educated man who seemed just as ambitious as her. She had a whole future planned out for the two of them...but she hadn't reckoned on him getting tempted by a sweet, vacant-eyed twenty-something at the office.

It had been child's play to confront them. He had broken down into tears and his lover had been so remorseful, so apologetic. "If there's anything we can do to make this right..."

Oh yes, there was.

And so now here they were in the abandoned locker room of the gym where she'd caught them fornicating that night two weeks ago. She had her husband lay down on the bench, his lover atop her. In her hand she held her phone, the timer pulled up on the screen.

"You have five minutes to make the other cum," she said. "If you fail, expect to see photos leaked to everyone at work. I'm sure they'll get a real kick out of it."

"Shannon," her husband pleaded, but she was beyond his tearful entreaties. He should have known better than to try to deceive her. If he had only come to her honestly, told her what was happening... What had she ever seen in that loser?

Her thumb slammed down on the start button. "Your five minutes begins...now."


(No title)



Very nice!