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He was her adorable little puppy, new to the sinful delights of the city and all they had to offer. She had picked him up at a local sex club, where she'd found him lingering against the wall, his eyes round with fascination as he watched the performers copulate onstage. Around his wrist was the colored band that marked him as a sub looking for a domme.

As a general rule, she avoided the newbies, but this one had a certain freshness  that sent her blood racing with hot anticipation. Like a lioness stalking her prey, she navigated the sweaty, gyrating crowd until she was just a hair's breadth away.

"Hey, sweetheart, want to play?" she'd asked him, her lips curving into a catlike smile.

He started, and then blushed. She tracked his eyes as they skittered from her generous bust to her fishnet stockings and down to her stilettos, before flitting back again to her eyes. He nodded mutely.

The silence didn't bother her. She would give him plenty of words and sounds before their time together was over.

The club had backrooms for erotic play, rooms that she knew like the back of her hand. She flashed a card to the attendant, murmuring, "The Victoria, please," and in moments they were led to a plush space whose walls were occupied with racks of toys.

"Choose your fantasy," she told him, stroking his thighs as he stared at the obscene collection of crops and dildos around them. "Anything you like." She kissed his jaw. "I promise we'll get to them all...eventually."

She sat comfortably as he walked around, slowly unhooking a crop here, a pair of leather cuffs there... Her beautiful puppy placed them all on the wooden coffee table, and she noted how he arranged them in order of size. When his steps slowed and he turned toward her, shyly awaiting her next command, she crooked a finger at him.

"Onto my lap," she ordered. Cheeks aflame, he sat on her in a childlike pose, and she cradled him in her arms while she toyed with his hard cock. "Now, tell me what you want me to do. Every last, dirty little wish. If I sense you're holding back, it'll be a punishment for you."

Clearing his throat, he told her. His voice was warm and sandy, and she absolutely loved the way he spoke -- skipping over the parts he found embarrassing or shameful, lingering on others.

By the end of the night, she wouldn't have been surprised if the whole club had heard his moans of pleasure and desperate pleas. Once she really got him going, working him up into a frenzy with her crop and a handy bottle of lube, he forgot all that country boy shyness. There was only him and his new domme, and the pleasure she gave and withheld in alternating turns. She didn't get through all the toys he'd selected, but she knew she'd see him again. He trained up quite nicely, her adorable little puppy -- especially with a big, fat dildo lodged between his ass cheeks and his cock straining for release in its cage.

Yes, she was quite pleased to have found him.




He looks adorable, and the writing is brilliant.