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"Are you ready?" she asked, adjusting the ribbon in his hair and fixing the the zipper...again. His shoulders were just a little too broad for the dress, and the tension tended to make the top collar gape open. Personally, she liked that little bit of neck peeping through, but it wouldn't do for his first semi-formal event.

"I guess," he said.

He sounded a little nervous. His cheeks were flushed adorably, and his hands kept clenching and unclenching as he peeked at his reflection in the mirror.

"You look fantastic," she said, and kissed him right below his ear. "Just think how much fun we'll have during, and after, the party."

Her hands slipped down to his waist, then dipped down even lower. With her left hand, she cupped his buttocks through the dress and squeezed. Then moved to put just the slightest amount of pressure on the plug nestled firmly in his ass.

He stiffened and gave a little moan, arching against her touch. She moved to massage his stiffening erection with her right hand, pressing him up against the mirror.

"Just a little teaser," she whispered.

"Please...a little more..." he whimpered. His breathing became unsteady, and the color heightened in his cheeks. He started to undulate his hips in time to the rhythm of her caress, but just before he got too close, she pulled back.

"Ma'am," he begged, but she was already moving toward the door, picking up her purse and grabbing her keys.

"Let's go, we don't want to be late." She gave him a quick, mischievous wink before opening the door.

He sighed, a mix of frustration and yearning and excitement. Stepping awkwardly in his heels, he followed her out into the night, his hard-on barely detectable beneath the soft folds of his new dress.



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