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Another fun idea I sketched during tonight's stream, "Reverse Saiyaman!" Kinda like the Reverse Flash, except it's Barry from DBS. 😆

Thanks KaiArtz for the fun idea! It'll be an interesting concept to explore in the future.




Oh no not the Douche Human Man 😱


I now have the nagging fear that he'll steal Trunk's time machine or Time Patrol Trunk's time scroll and trigger an alternate timeline convergence crossover event that has some cool ideas tossed in here and there but is mostly just confusing and exhausting.

Arcana of the heart.

Curious. This honestly could be pretty fun concept.


yesss!! an evil saiyaman!


Fuck Barry Kahn hope he gets one punched by Gohan (cool design though)

Young Josh

General Blue?


Hopefully he don’t steal Videl from Gohan and c*** him. I’ve seen that trope more times than I care to admit.

Marco Valentin

Remember that time Angela blackmailed you into going on a date with her so she wouldn't reveal you were Saiyaman? And you somehow came right as she held your hand? It was me, Gohan. I used Ki Manipulation to massage and stimulate your testicles so you'd think you nutted at just a woman's touch!


Barry, they have very similar designs. Minus the notable eyelashes that Blue has.