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EDIT: the tl;dr is now more clearer

Hiya everyone! I'm here with a few bits of patreon related news! 

First, commission talk! I'll possibly open commissions for a short while by the end of the month, if not early August (assuming my schedule remains steady). I'll have limited slots open at a time until I reach my quota. I know a lot of folks have been asking about my prices and I'll have them in a post before I officially open.

Second thing, my public trello is now live!📝 I'm posting the link here for patrons as a test drive. Some things will either be removed for public view or added. Let's see how it goes in the next few weeks.

What's trello? Well to put it simply, it's an handy dandy "To-Do/Task" list that you can create or just view. I made one for myself to help keep track of all my major projects. Now you can follow the board specifically for FSDB art!

And lastly but most importantly, I've been adding a lot of work, including sketches and some wips to the "Connoisseur" ($5) tier lately. In about a month or two, I'll be adding most of my work to that tier and changing "Supporter" ($1) tier as a "Thank you" tip jar.

This may be a bummer for folks currently under that tier, I'll understand if wish to unpledge when the transition happens. If you're unable to pledge more than the first tier and concerned you won't be able to view the work under $5, rest assured that all my finished works goes public after time. Sometimes in a few days and sometimes in a few weeks. (To view my public work check out my Dropbox or Mega art folders. You can find the links on my linktree, and of course you can also follow me on twitter!)

Remember, "Connoisseur" supporters will see my art before they're released and will have access to certain patreon only perks, like polls, more detailed wips, hi-res downloads of vids, etc! 

I'll give everyone a heads up before I make changes to the tier. If you decide to choose to stay under the "Supporter/Thank you" tier, increase your pledge, or even unpledge, I'll be forever grateful for your support! 😊

So to summarize:
(tl;dr: commissions will possibly open soon, Trello/To-Do project list is now live, posting all of my work to the $5 tier and changing the $1 tier to a "Tip jar/Thank you" only in a couple of months.)

If you have any questions, please let me know either in the DMs or comment below!



Yooooo!! I’d love to commission you if you ever opened! 💖💖💖💖


Yooooooo commissions ! Can't wait ! 🔥🔥


Sooo excited!!!


God, I hope you don't announce them on a Saturday or Sunday while I'm at work


My question would be if it will be only Patreon getting commissions or if patreon gets priority based off of tier


The first slots will be open for "Connoisseur" supporters first. Then open for anyone interested afterwards. Keep in mind, this isn't first come first serve, I'll be picking by description and complexity of their commission.


I'd love a commission oh my Zenos

Master S King

Ok is it the $5 tier, become the one $1 tier, or that you're are changing what the the $5 tier use to be to the $1 tier?


I'll be posting all of my work under the $5 tier and changing the $1 tier to a "Tip jar/Thank you" only in a couple of months. Hope that makes sense now.