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As the old saying goes, April content will bring more May projects... or something like that. Haha! 😅 

Last month I posted plenty of wips and even a whole special one minute animation for women's day! This time, just like the prior month, it's going to be a busy few weeks ahead for me. A few projects left unfinished (or continued) will roll in for this month! 

Such as:

  • Ultimate Saikyo Sex Style! (Comic Begins!)
  • Colored Illustrations
  • Animated Prompts (x3)
  • Finishing a couple of uncompleted post ??? (Time permitted)

And a new Poll to decided the next comic!

Thank you all once again for another month of support! I'm glad to see folks are excited for my the new comic and I hope you'll stick around! 😄👍🌟



Excited for the new month!!!!!