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Happy Valentine's day! And here's a lovely surprise, a preview wip of the next comic! (it'll be posted right before MotMK 3).

It's a about a threesome starring Vegeta x Bulma x 18. After seeing the "Love Triangle Series" by YDoujin and retweets from SSGPrinceVegeta (On YT and twitter) it inspired me to do a comic with a similar theme.

I've been working on this quietly on the side as I was making rewrites and laying out the plans for the future of the MotMK series, since that was taking me a bit longer to iron out.

The comic is fully scripted and sketched, with a total of 25 pages, and it's currently being inked! I'll be showing off a few small previews this week and the comic will be released early next month!

Hope you guys come to like this comic despite this unconventional threesome! And once again Happy Valentine's! 🥰




Oh yesss 🔥🔥🔥🔥


You definitely have my attention now!

Mr. Ray

"hope you guys come to like this" as if I don't love everything you put out.


The prince demands the best.


I look forward to this!

Ryan Frankenstein

I just picture 18 and Krillin pimp each other out to their friends. Bulma: "Krillin, I need to get on 18's schedule for Valentines Day, its for Vegeta." Krillin: "Sorry Bulma but Yamcha's had Valentines Day booked for months. He even paid in advance." Bulma: "I pay triple her usual price." 18: "DEAL!" 🤑


I love ur 18 art yo i cant wait to see what this is all about Im excited to see how ur writing and build is in this comic. Both ur writing and build up are amazing n this looks great XD. I love these I cant wait to see how 18 and vegeta interact I love this already


Yeaaaaaa Vegeta is getting double the love!




I fucking love your 18 yo always hot strong and amazing


Ooooooooh can’t wait :)