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  • Script - Complete
  • Rough Animation - Complete
  • Recording - Complete
  • Sound Editing - Complete
  • Backgrounds - Inprogress
  • Line art Animation -  Inprogress
  • Color -  [TBD] 
  • Compositing -  [TBD] 
  • Render/Final -  [TBD] 

Quick update! I edited voice audio clips for Gogeta (SSGPrinceVegeta) and Bulchi (SilkyMilkVoices). I also added music and sound effects! I might tweak a few things here there but I'm going to consider this step done!

And I'm currently coloring the backgrounds and adding the line work to the animation.

(Thanks everyone for being patient! Animation projects like these are time consuming and a lot of hard work! I know many of you are excited to see it finished and your support is helping making it possible. 😊)



Pac00 -

Sounds good to me, keep at it




We should do it like an old radio show. Make sound effects like throwing a wet sponge at a wall.

Mr. Ray

*butterfly flapping its wings* MEANWHILE, ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET "Is that a Kami damn hurricane?!?"

Sanji's Alt

So cool!! Can't wait 😁


Can't wait to see the final results!


love the work I can't wait