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Super duper quick status update for the month!

I wasn't feeling my best towards the end of of July, and took a little break last week for a little relaxation and self-care. As a results however, there were no updates on MotMK2 or Stolen Virginity as planned so I missed the scheduled post. I'm feeling much better lately as I've been taking care of my well being, both physically and mentally.

Honestly, I should've been doing this before, and I was! But since the start of the year, I was slowly slipping into bad habits. Sometimes in life people slip and fall, and it can be a struggle to get back on course. And I'll be doing my best to prevent those bad falls from happening frequently in a more healthier and productive way!  Such as cooking at home more, exercising again, taking certain days off, and planning to visit my docs more regularly.  

Well, enough about my personal life for now, let's talk comics! MotMK2 and Stolen Virginity are almost done! Which means I can move on to "Thank You!" right after, and post pages from Aug-Sept! I know many of you have been waiting for the comic featuring Broly x Cheelai for some time and I hope when it begins you won't be disappointed!

Thank you everyone for continuing to support my work when you can! I truly appreciate everything you guys helped me accomplish so far and hopefully continue to do so! 



A break Is never bad if it helps to refresh creativity man, keep the nice work!!!


Take care of yourself! No shame in taking a break dear! ❤


Yes take the time to need to get better! It’s never a bad thing so don’t beat yourself for it! Btw love your work💕✨


Thanks! Slowly starting to learn not to be so hard on myself again! 😭


I haven't stopped supporting you since 2017 and I'm not gonna start now. Rest is important and I'll support you during that as well


Happy to have you back Ms... Nothing wrong with taking a break... Sometimes we just need one. I'm not good at these kinds of comments, but I am happy that you're in better spirits now and will always be happy to support you, you're one of my fav artists... I wish you well and good health and hope that the breaks. Stay safe and keep up the great work! Thank you for being awesome and stuff. P.S. Happy late birthday, I wanted to say on Twitter, but I was too busy.


Always take care of yourself over everything else. When you hit those moments of slippage just know it's part of the process. Also know there are people you can lean on. 😊


Take those mental health days when you can. No ones gonna look out for you...but you .No shame in getting rest 😉