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Hiya folks!

The year's wrapping up pretty fast and so is the current fall semester for classes! Comic updates might come in a bit slow for the first half of the month. But fear not, I usually do a little bit of work here and there between projects! 

So bare with me until semester and finals are finally over. I'm making good progress on them, already finished one and I'm hoping to get them all finished before they're due.

I'll continue to post comic pages and single pieces (i.e. Deepthroat December 😆). My apologies for Summer Paradise Pt2 delay. I will be getting those pages out this month (or so help me...) most likely during the holiday break.

In other news, if you haven't heard by now, tumblr really messed up big time by banning all nsfw posts and blogs! So I'll no longer be posting new work there. Instead I'll be posting work here and on twitter. If I jump on board a new platform to post my work (and possibly make a website to archive my art) I'll make sure to post about it everywhere!

Thanks again for your support everyone! Wish me luck on my finals! 😁



Good luck! Try not to stress too much, you'll do great!


Good luck with finals. 👍 I take it you're making up for NSN November with Deepthroat December. 😏


So, I'm relatively new to patreon, is there any sort of easy way to look through a page's history in a relatively organized way? Like, if I wanted to see After School Lessons from page 1, without having to go backwards from the beginning, or anything like that?


Kick some digital ass!


Not sure if you'd be interested in making your own subreddit, you can keep posting private so only you can upload, but the discussion for it would be neat. It's definitely an easy option going forward but pulling in all your previous work might be tedious. Unless you just have a sidebar link to where ever you keep your archive. Just a thought, would personally really like to follow you that way. Twitter is meh.


So far Patreon doesn't have that feature to see tags in that order (which is something I really wish they include!)


Twitter isn't the most ideal place to archive work. Sure it's fun and quick but things can easily get lost in the timeline. I'll look into it, I'm not really used to using reddit.


It's such a crap deal, but tumblr cant stop chichi....


Best wishes for your finals, you got this! On the other hand, may I suggest having your own domain/site to mimic the old tumblr askbox and responses, with separate pages for archiving old and new pics? I think that would be a good way of solving the issue of finding a new home haha. Pages with different categories and such for your pics could be cool too, if you could investigate that. :3


Kick ass for the semester and finals then. We will be here waiting patiently like Corgi puppies. =P


Good Luck!!! I’m taking finals as well.


Good luck with your finals! Have you backed everything up from your tumblr? I was starting to go through your archive and make sure I had everything you ever posted. Didn't know if that was necessary or if I was just wasting my time.


Definitely going to look into a website when I'm done with the semester!


I believe I have everything or most pictures from the blog since it started back in 2012.