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I’ve been working on quite a few comics lately during my free time. Sorta "behind the scenes" stuff. And after reading the comments on the last post, I started thinking about posting more comics here early instead holding them.

I’ll be posting more of my other comic pages and strips like Videl from HFIL 2 and Mate of the Monkey King 2. Since they’re comics, I’ll post them for the $5 tier. These pages and strips will be posted here first, then publicly on the blog either a few weeks later or the following month.

If you’re wondering about the current patreon comics, those will continue as scheduled! Just revising the thumbs for Summer Paradise pt2 (I got caught in snag again and wanted to rewrite a few things XD) 

I believe it wouldn’t hurt to give you guys first look weeks in advance at some of the stuff I've been working on the side. After all, it's because of your support that's making it possible for me to do this!

Nothing is changing, After School Lessons and Summer Paradise Pt 2 will continued to be worked on and posted. I'll just be posting extra stuff this month.

I still plan to post more WIPs for the $1 tier (and maybe something else towards the end of the month if I have the time but that’s still undecided.)

Hope you guys like the comics to come!



I know I'll like them!


Sounds exciting and awesome! I wanna know what ever happened with comic with fem vegeta and boxer? Will you eventually continue to work on the comic?


Yes I will! It's kind been on the back of my mind from time to time. Probably continue it sometime after the month.


Lit! Thanks for the response ☺️