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It's time to choose the next fully inked (and long) comic supported by none other than you guys! The poll will be up for 1 week (closes next Tuesday)! Which should give everyone plenty of time to decide which comic to vote for. 

Now, whichever comic doesn't rank number one in the polls doesn't mean it won't get done! It will come up next depending on the place it lands in.

And since summer is rolling around the corner, I might have the free time to finish comics sooner than later. So if the comic you pick doesn't come up as number one or two, no worries! You'll see it happen sooner than you think! So fingers crossed for a very productive summer!


Jak O'Hara

Bardock and Gine gotta be!


There's just simply not enough good Erasa stuff out there


Like I said before, "Teaching Gohan, Devious Culprit, Bardock and Gine Beginnings".


I can’t decide between Android 18 and Erasa/Videl... guess it’s time to flip a coin


How can people resist those sketches of 18??


Two look sexier, but the Bardock Gine looks like there could be badass fight poses


Guess the Gine smut is gonna be on the waiting list...lol oh well...


D: this is hard...but choose I must!


Will Miss Hamilton, Gohan’s English teacher, make an appearance in Teaching Gohan?


As in will she be involved in the story? Very unlikely. Though that doesn't mean I'd never do anything with her. Just not here.


I pledged just to read Mom swap arbitration once and make sure teaching Gohan was next... that sounds perfect lol I’ve actually requested something similar many times so uh yeah glad to see it is most likely cumming next :D


Oh and I’d just like to suggest some kissing action between the ladies towards the end. That’d be super