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I wanted to take time to thank everyone who supported me, and continue to support my Patreon!

You guys are making it possible for me to do what I love and being able to share it with everyone! 

My schedule last month was killer! There was so much to do with family and work life. I wouldn't have been able to make many updates (if at all) if it wasn't for your pledges. Hopefully the pledge amount will continue to grow and I can make time to post comics and much more! Not only on patreon but on the blog as well.

I'll continue to post up WIPs throughout the month and A Brief Affair (for $5 Reward) will continue being updated at minimum twice weekly. But I might be able to bump up the page amount to three. I'll keep you guys updated if I'm able to post more!

Thanks again for your support and sticking with me!


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