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On creative restrictions and boundaries

  • YES! I'd love to support artwork WITHOUT restrictions even if it means changing platforms. 302
  • NO thank you! I'm not interested in moving platforms or supporting you elsewhere. 13
  • 2024-04-26
  • —2024-04-30
  • 315 votes
{'title': 'On creative restrictions and boundaries', 'choices': [{'text': "YES! I'd love to support artwork WITHOUT restrictions even if it means changing platforms.", 'votes': 302}, {'text': "NO thank you! I'm not interested in moving platforms or supporting you elsewhere.", 'votes': 13}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 30, 19, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 26, 5, 19, 10, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 315}


With this platform continuously changing its guidelines and adding more and more restrictions I've been thinking for a while now and I'd like to start mirroring and/or putting certain posts on my Sub⭐. For supporters who may not be aware, I do have a Sub⭐ account where I post work but with way less restrictions (please check my twitter bio for the alt).

I'd also like to create more DB adult stories that I can't post here because of the restrictive guidelines. I don't plan to abandon this place completely, unless they no longer allow nsfw or heaven forbid, boot me, but I honestly would like to lessen any dependence on the support that does come from it. Let me explain.

With more and more news and social media posts that further highlight the increasing restrictions and censorship on the platform for those in the nsfw space (including whether something can be consensual, regardless of the artist's intent), it leaves a lot to constantly think about and worry over.

Will there be an issue tomorrow over a comic that was recently finished? Over the hard work that went into it, just to be asked to remove it? Will I be asked, or will I simply be booted off the platform outright and lose out on the support I was counting on that month and the months ahead? And should this or that even be drawn? Will it run afoul, even somewhat, of the rules? Am I self-censoring at times, even sub-consciously, out of fear? Limiting myself from creating truly unique or fun or hot artwork?

Given all this and given my interest in lessening my dependence on things here, I'd like to see how many of you would find issue in my doing more and more artwork on my other platform. This would mean all of my work from all of my accounts would be in one place, but everything would be properly labeled and tagged and sorted to help people in case they have specific interests, only. This would also include discord access that comes with the other platform.



I support just give us proper notice where you are going.

Anthony Beauchamp

Would using something like Discord be an option for things that may be too much for Patreon? Like those who support here could have access to the server where everything gets uploaded? I'll do what I can to support regardless just spitballing ideas!