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Don't get boxed in.

(You can read part one of the comic in any of my public archives (Dropbox, Mega, etc). And I've also posted the first part on imgur for easier viewing!)




An explosion, much less graphic than I imagined. I don't know why I was expecting something so visually gruesome. Mr. Mime looking good these days. I'm sure Delia Ketchum is satisfied.

Mr. Ray

I'm blown away how well this character fits in. They really feel like an old school dragon ball character that totally fits the vibe.


I thought an explosion would've been less gruesome than Papaya turning into crushes soup haha! Trying to keep the violence in tune with the original although now that I think about it, the manga did have some visually brutal moments...


Thank you! I really wanted a character that would seem like Toriyama would create himself in the DB universe. And I think I got it with Mince especially.