What would you like to see!? (Patreon)
2022-02-04 19:08:51
Morning, guys!
So for this month's first poll, I thought I'd offer two pretty straightforward options.
Option one is some My Hero Academia fan art! Lately I've kinda been on a kick of drawing stuff from MHA. We can discuss what character you'd like to see if it's this!
OR option 2: A written tutorial/tips for drawing hands!
Sort of like the ones that I post on Instagram from time to time!
I'm still trying to figure out a way to make a poll that leans more on giving you guys more of the deciding power on what you'd like to see from me, but for now, THE POLL.
This might be the all I've got for you guys today as I work on more art, but as always I'll share with you guys my process as I go along!
Happy Friday, ya'll!