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I often get asked a lot of questions on YouTube, Discord, Instagram, Facebook, and of course, here on Patreon. So, I had this idea. I'm thinking about setting up a regular private meetup that would happen twice a week for one hour. I would host these meetups on Zoom. Soundcheck would involve me being available one day a week for one hour in a group setting to help people troubleshoot their gear, answer questions about Elektron or other instruments, provide assistance with the Performance Templates, offer music critiques on compositions or performances, and of course, hang out and chat. This would all take place in a setting that welcomes drop-ins and is flexible about when you leave. Soundcheck would be exclusive to Soundcheck tier and to the Private Lessons tier. It's kind of like a live stream and it's kind of like a Private Lesson. Basically I'll be your TA when you need someone to help you out.

This would be a great opportunity for those taking lessons to get their gear sorted before our sessions so that they don't spend their hour with me debugging their audio or MIDI routing. Thoughts on that?

Scenario 1: Imagine you're playing a show and suddenly something isn't working as expected. You need to talk to someone who understands the issue and knows how important solving it is. You can jump into the room, say, 'Hey, I have a question,' and you can start troubleshooting with someone on a video call (me) and maybe a few others too.

Scenario 2: Say you've just got the Octatrack and you love it, but it's giving you a lot of grief. Every Tuesday and Friday, you know you can pop into the Soundcheck channel, and I'll be on video with my Elektron gear, ready to help you solve the issue.

Scenario 3: Maybe you're feeling bored and wish there was something to do. On Tuesdays and Fridays, you can hang out in the Soundcheck call and learn about music production, the Octatrack or Syntakt, or just have some laughs with like-minded people.

This Patreon tier would of course get all the perks of membership here, templates, tutorials and access to the Patreon chat in Discord.

I have some more time on my hands right now and I am working on new ways to use my skills to expand my Patreon. This is just an idea, let me know what you think about it? I may have more ideas that come up soon.






Very cool one, North Europe here tho, but will join when possible!


Awkward times for Europe indeed, but I would be there when I can.


Wow it’s an amazing idea !!!


I like the idea too! Not sure if I'd be a regular, but sounds like a good use of my evening time Curious how much the "Soundcheck Scholar" tier will be. I'm just buying you chocolate right now