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Joie Dianzon

Girl, have you heard of “Kotaro Lives Alone”. I am not sure if it’s your taste but I hope you check it out. ☺️

Nahhhhhh h

SKIP THIS PARAGRAPH TO GET TO YOUR QUESTION ABOUT PIGS. So the basics of poker is that the value of your hand is determined by matching suits. So a three of a kind beats a pair, 4 of a kind beats 3, and so on. When for example two players play a pair, the winning hand is based on who has higher value cards, like pair of 4s beat a pair of 2s, etc. I’m sure you understand this part but i’m just making sure we’re on the same page. This game is basically those rules but condensed down to 2 card hands, and you don’t get to see one of them. A pig basically means a shit hand. So for example if your opponent played a pair of 2s and you pulled out a 4 clubs and 9 spades, your hand is mega worthless bc you had no pairs and they did. That means you had a pig. The mind game Mary and Yumeko were playing was that early in the game, they bet high on good hands and played safe on bad/unlikely to win hands, which is naturally hella obvious. Then when the dude thought he had them figured out, they started bluffing on pigs so that he folds (fold means you forfeit from betting, typically bc you think you have a losing hand, so you gain nothing and lose nothing). This way they start slowly gaining money from the pool, meaning they can start betting higher without risking too much of their money. Hopes this helps the game make more sense