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I always tear up when i hear that piano ost haha


the sad thing is that some popular individuals will get affected by this negatives comments and harm themselves. the thing is these people will never say these negative comments face-to-face so why would you bother yourself with them. ignorance is a bliss


It hurts that's the thing. They might not say it face to face but it's hard brushing it off. I don't take it seriously when someone's like "you're ugly" or something cause I know it's not true lmao. It's easier to brush off comments that are ridiculous but when someone attacks for example something you worked hard on or an insecurity then it's hard to be like eh whatever


I forget comments fast cause my memory's pretty bad thankfully but for someone who will lose sleep over it it's so sad I feel really bad for anyone that gets bombarded like that. Smear campaigns are the worst


i always keep in mind that the internet includes kids, teenagers, A-holes, jealous people and insensitive ones or badly raised people. so that always help me not to bother with these negative comments. thank god my country have strict laws against online bullies, you say anything offensive and you forking out 16k dollars to the victims its applied to twitter, instagram etc.


So, this arc was heavily inspired by an IRL event that happened a few months before this was written in the manga. It was centered around a Japanese reality show called "Terrace House" where a participant (Hana Kimura) was receiving harsh online backlash for something that wasn't a big deal. I'm not gonna pretend to be an expert on this or anything because I wasn't there to witness the events when it happened as it happened, but from what I've read about the event it was something like the director fabricated/instigated it by telling Hana to do something she normally wouldn't do just to spice up the show a bit more. What IS true though is that Hana unfortunately did pass away by taking her own life. Akasaka-sensei wrote this arc in the manga a few months afterwards to really highlight the ugliness of the internet surrounding the entertainment industry, and the adaptation really enhanced this.

Nahhhhhh h

What's especially shitty about smear campaigns is that even for those that have tough skin, as an entertainer your connections are your lifeline. You may never take cruel comments to heart, but your job opportunities will dry up so quickly bc other companies, publishers, and even fellow content creators will see you as a "risky associate" bc they're aware that the internet is so volatile that it's a very real possibility that they lose their reputation by just associating with you. One thing that the US is especially nasty about (idk if it's the same in EU) is that other content creators will go after you so that they can farm interactions. It's completely understandable that Akane would have considered suicide bc it will literally seem like the world is forever against you. You'd have to have inhuman mental fortitude to be able to endure that.

Nahhhhhh h

This is actually only a speculation and Aka even faced some negative feedback from Kimura's mother bc it was still too fresh of a wound for her at the time. I'm too lazy to go pull out the exact dates but the short of it is that the Terrace House incident and the Dating Show Arc are so close together that Aka would've had to plan, write, and draw the chapters leading up to Akane's suicide attempt in the time between (iirc it was a couple of weeks). It was much more likely to just be a coincidence.