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17 min in, I will continue later but, yeah....

matthew bremmer

A new wholesome rom com by our favorite manga writer!


Isekai specifically refers to another world. This is just reincarnation which is one of the two main ways the character goes to the other world. To be fair, there aren't that many non-isekai reincarnation anime especially ones taking place on Earth.


Yeah acting is so fricking hard i remember a school project i had where me and two other guys had to make a little movie and we legit couldnt do it because we just started laughing as soon as we knew the camera was recording


Something i want to clear up is that, you said something about that ruby would technically be 20 years old and although you are right that she would be 20 if it wasn't for her dying. She would be 20, but because she died when she was 12 years old, her mental age is still that of a 12 year old, and even when the years pass in the baby body she wont mature, because well she is still a baby. In fact she would almost become younger mentally because of how she is being treated as a baby. So that is why she is acting so immaturely, emotionally and is somewhat annoying. Aqua on the other hand was a adult and also a doctor so he is used to suppress his emotions to a certain extent. Alr just wanted to clear that up, keep up the awesome reactions


Yeaaah I think I mentioned something similar later on especially her mum babies them a looot so I get that she definitely stays super young mentally


Great to see you reacting to this, absolutely stuck around for the end talk. I disagree with splitting this up into multiple episodes just because I know a lot of people would drop it before it gets to this finale. This is essentially a prologue that is setting up the rest of the show and could easily have been dropped ep 1. As an example, you aren't keen on Isekai, if ep 1 ended on 'this is an isekai' just after the reincarnation, I wouldn't be surprised if you dropped it there. Splitting all the set up into 1 episode I think works in this case. I would definitely not support it for most shows though.