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Social anxiety is a crazy thing, I definitely relate to your story about making appointments, leaving tips, or ordering from a place I've never been to, like the other day I had the random urge to get an alcoholic drink at this arcade I was at, but then I started to get in my head about what to order, how to leave a tip, what's the normal standard for that sort of thing, and ended up just shutting myself down. I also relate to Bocchi when she can't say no to people or run away from things even though you really want to, your social anxiety wants you to run away from the social events but when a really good friend says they're excited to have you there, you also have the anxiety of letting them down and you end up staying. It's really important for people with anxiety to have friends like that who know how to force you to stay even though you want to leave, while at the same time understanding your anxiety and helping you through it rather than forcing you to stay and then leaving you by yourself. I just love this series!


I realise later too like "girl you're too old for this what are you doing 😐" but the next time I'm confronted with the same situations I DO THE SAME THING


I do the same thing as Bocchi where I talk myself up and make a plan, and then I get to the situation like ordering from a food stand or something and then I freeze up and say something really dumb. Hey we all have our moments!


I can interact and socialize normally but in the same time i have post-social anxiety when I get back home and start rethinking about my social interactions and if I said anything wrong or stupid and get very anxious


So.. um. I was on this meds for my arthritis, and what I didn't know was that one of the side effects were anxiety, so I suddently started feeling like i was losing my mind with social interactions and what not. Fast forward 6 years of being a mess, and they suddently got me on other meds - started feeling normal again. It was so weird, I went from not really thinking about it, to feeling like I was drowning just standing in the line to get fastfood. After I finally started feeling abit more normal again , I figured fuck it, ive wasted 6 years being anxious now, and booked a 2 week trip to Vegas from Norway.. lol..


Ok now that's a way to live. This is what life is supposed to be 😩👏👏 not the anxiety and popping messed up meds but you know what I mean booking flights across the world, feeling gooood~


Yeah, I have been traveling alot more since. Hopefully I am going to Italy on my bday in may, and maybe Scotland later this year :) Not exactly across the world , but I am trying to get out there a little atleast :)

googlek1 .

When I got older, I discovered real anxiety due to medication, after a back injury. I'm better now but I don't want to be bothered with people anymore. It's like my social personality flipped. I was very outgoing when I was younger. The only issue I had was reading out loud. I read well but every time I started reading the whole class would shut up and listen which made me very self-conscious... I could perform in front of people with no problem... a complete ham but reading out loud was an issue. Turns out everyone liked the way I sounded while reading so they got quiet and freaked me out for years.

googlek1 .

LOL... No... I don't like to hear myself, yet my work manager keeps trying to get me to read something. Still stressful...


Oh my god I got sent BACK when you said reading in front of people. I had such a problem with it as well for sooo long even after I learned how to read properly in English. At first it was because I didn't know how to speak English but then it was just people listening I couldn't bear! That's so amazing that actually people just wanted to hear you read 🤣 it's the epitome of your mind is your worst enemy. Sometimes I wonder why the body self sabotages like that. Just let me read in peace WHY DO I NEED TO STRESS OVER IT

Nahhhhhh h

Social anxiety is the worst, especially when you somehow manage to get introduced to a mutual and you are so clueless on how to join the conversation that you just sit there the whole time. It’s pure torture. I get in my head so much after the fact running whole simulations of how the convo would’ve went based on what I could’ve said. Or when you try to join in and you make a light joke that doesn’t land. It’s been 3 years and I still beat myself wondering what I should’ve said in that situation. It’s so easy to convince yourself that you don’t have social anxiety and that you’re bc it’s not professionally diagnosed until you realize that needing 20 minutes of mental prep to talk to the cashier is not normal lmfao


Bocchi bringing the community together. Love to see it :)