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EDIT: Cleaned up version is now edited in.

Reminder: We're almost through the OFG week. This testing of the new writing system is going interestingly. All of the chapters will be released in PDF and Epub bundled together at the end of the week.

Chapter 418

“OKokokokokaaay,” Gemma groaned. She was breathing in short, shallow breaths and was leaning forward while thrusting her hips back and up to give you access.

You’d already been in her ass without the addition of anyone else. She’d wanted to make sure she was fully warmed up into anal before trying a double penetration, and Tasha had wanted to watch. The girls had also put down towels on the bed and, while you’d been in the kitchen, Gemma had been rubbed down with some sort of oil or something so her warm skin tone was glistening in the light from the bedside lamps. She didn’t need the help to look amazing, but it definitely added a certain wow factor to every soft surface of her.

The first anal had been slow and loving with Gemma on her stomach, and Sabrina had shown off to Tasha a little bit in how kinky she was by taking your cock into her mouth after you’d fucked Gemma for a bit. Then, while you kept Gemma stretching with a couple of fingers in her butt as you laid next to her and kissed her, Sabrina had helped Tasha get into the strap-on and then put on the other one herself. Soon they both had brightly coloured dildos hanging off their fronts and devolved into a giggle fit as they had a brief ‘sword fight’ that left you snorting and Gemma rolling her eyes as she grinned.

Sabrina gave Tasha a quick rundown on using a strap-on as she saw it - the blonde was going to be the one in Gemma’s pussy and would be on the bottom of the pile so she wouldn’t have much to do, but Sabrina still felt it was important to show her some basic skills. She ended up bending over the bed and letting Tasha test some thrusting into her gently, noting the need to use some hips and to figure out the right amount to pull out without the dildo falling out.

Then it was time for Tasha to assume the position, and she laid down on the bed with a grin on her face and a playful gleam in her eye as she grabbed her sparkly purple cock and waggled it a little. Gemma had mounted up, straddling her hips and slowly sitting down on the cock before riding and grinding on it for a long moment. She took another minute to lean forward, crushing her big breasts to Tasha’s chest and kissing her before whispering something to the other blonde. When Gemma sat back up a little Tasha was smiling warmly.

That’s when Gemma had looked back at you with a sexy pout and a hungry look in her eyes, beckoning you to give her your cock.

“Fuck,” you groaned, your cock head popping back through her anal ring and into the tight heat of her ass.

“Oooh, fuck, love,” Gemma groaned. “That’s it. Thaaat’s it.”

You didn’t feel a different right at first, but as soon as you thrust in another inch or so you could feel the extra pressure within Gemma. Things got tighter the further in you got, and you couldn’t imagine what she was feeling.

“Gaaawd, that’s full,” she mumbled. “Fuck, just let me- Yeah, wait a second, love. Tasha, could you move your hips down like this a little? Yeah, like that. OK, John, fill me up.”

You were holding her hips and pushed yourself in deeper until her shiny, slick butt cheeks pressed to your hips. Your groan came out like a growl when she pivoted her hips a little and sank deeper onto Tasha’s strap-on, filling her up completely. The sounds she made you couldn’t even comprehend - it was somewhere in the range of a human purr and a whine at the same time.

“Just- let me get used to it now,” she panted.

Sabrina, kneeling on the bed next to the three of you, shifted closer and took Gemma’s chin between her thumb and forefinger, pulling her sideways into a kiss. “Feel good, baby?” she asked, looking deep into her eyes.

“Pretty good,” Gemma grunted. “Just… a lot.”

Sabrina looked back at you with a little smile. “Start fucking that ass, Daddy. She’s ready.”

You gave Gemma a soft spank, only a little harder than a pat, on the side of her butt cheek and then pulled out slowly and thrust back in. She made that noise again, but Sabrina muffled it with another passionate kiss. You let loose a groan from somewhere in your chest as you found a slow rhythm, and then Gemma was rocking with your movements, riding Tasha’s strap-on and getting it deeper into her when you were on an outstroke, and pushing up to meet you on your in strokes.

She came without warning, seizing and freezing for a moment as she exhaled heavily and you felt a bit of warmth as some juices flooded out of her around the dildo. You were a little more distracted by the way her ass flexed on your cock though.

“Good girl,” Sabrina cooed, running her fingers through Gemma’s hair. “Look at you taking that dick in your ass, Gemma. Are you still feeling full?”

“So full,” Gemma moaned. “So much.”

“Let’s get you really full,” Sabrina said with a little grin. “Tasha, honey, suck hard on Gemma’s tits.” You couldn’t see it happening, but based on Gemma’s vocalisations you assumed that Tasha did as she was told. Meanwhile, Sabrina had stood up on the bed and stood straddling over Tasha and Gemma’s head, taking her strap-on in hand and waggling it as she grinned at you for a moment. Then she took Gemma by the hair on top of her head and raised her face up. “Suck my cock too, baby,” she said. “You’re going airtight, all three holes filled by your girlfriend, your boyfriend, and our slut sister.”

To be fair, it wasn’t like watching porn. In porn, you could see things from different angles. Gangbangs weren’t your thing, but you’d watched a few on those dark, lonely nights when you felt particularly nasty in what you wanted to watch to get off. Actually doing a DP, let alone with an added throat fucking (because Sabrina was definitely pushing the dildo into Gemma’s throat once they’d worked up to it), was a lot less visual of a thing as you’d imagined and much more of a mutual feeling of overwhelming sensation. You could feel Gemma on the edge of being overwhelmed by how her body reacted and moved and in the sudden flexing and soft jerking in response to things someone else had done.

It was hot. It was sexy. It felt good.

Strangely, you found it impersonal, like you might as well have been fucking a toy and not the woman you loved. The big foursome with Mallory hadn’t felt like that, and you wondered if maybe it was because you weren’t in love with Mallory so the sex was always just going to be sex.

Chapter 419

“Oh, motherfucker,” Gemma grunted, glaring at you with a feral grin of predatory pleasure.

The fucking had shifted. Sabrina, with his strap-on slippery and slimy from Gemma’s spittle, had wanted to take a turn fucking her girlfriend’s ass and you wanted to feel more connected with Gemma. The DP had felt more like using her than fucking with her. Gemma also wanted to change positions, the effort of riding a cock and a dildo at once wearing on her muscles.

Sabrina ended up laying partially on her side and partially on her back with Gemma spooned up in front of her. This gave you and Tasha a particularly delicious view as Gemma raised her leg and Sabrina shifted her dildo into position to enter Gemma from behind. Once the tip of the dildo was in they wiggled together a bit, Sabrina driving her fake cock deeper, until she had about half of it inside. Gemma had lowered her leg and closed her eyes, getting lost in the feeling for a long moment. Then she opened her eyes and lifted her arms to you, summoning you in.

You had gotten into position, raising her higher leg up to your shoulder and straddling her lower one as it lay on the bed. This brought your cock into range to push into her cunt and Gemma had reached down with one hand to spread her labia lewdly as she pinched one of her nipples with her other hand. You’d followed her silent order and fucked into her, pressing her leg back a little more. Again, the pressure of feeling her other hole filled was an odd sensation, but you’d felt this one before. It wasn’t so different from fucking her while she was wearing a buttplug, or while Sabrina teased her ass with fingers or a vibrator.

Gemma’s growl started when she challenged you really fuck her, and you’d picked up the pace.

“Good fucking God,” you grunted. You couldn’t really get down to kiss her with how your bodies were contorted, you sitting straight up and all the power of your thrusts coming from your hips. Sabrina had a hand wrapped around Gemma and grabbed her tit as she thrust into her ass from behind - her thrusts weren’t as big or powerful as your own, but Gemma was definitely feeling every stroke.

“Fuck me, love,” Gemma exhaled heavily. “Fuck me.” You weren’t even sure if she was talking to you or Sabrina, or maybe both of you at once.

Turning a little at the waist, you gestured for Tasha to shuffle closer to you and you wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close so that her tits squashed against your side and you kid kissed her hand. “Don’t think you’re being forgotten, sweet thing,” you mumbled.

“I was having fun watching,” Tasha giggled breathily and then licked your lips with her little tongue.

“Get that strap-on off and sit on Gemma’s face,” you said. “We don’t want her getting too loud and disturbing the neighbours, and you might as well get her tongue in your ass because I’m coming for that next.”

Tasha gave you a hungry look that almost matched Gemma’s, and she quickly shed the strap-on and got into position over Gemma. Your Australian girlfriend was impatient though and wrapped her arms around Tasha’s thighs, hauling her into a better position and pulling Tasha’s butt down. The look on Tash’s face when Gemma obviously started licking her was luxurious pleasure.

Gemma came three times as you and Sabrina played a little bit, finding rhythms and then changing them up. Sabrina’s hair was sticking to her forehead with the sweat of her efforts, and you were sure you looked the same, but she was grinning and laughing the whole time. On the third orgasm, you could feel it was going to be a big one and that Gemma was well and truly hitting her limit as she was panting in howls in between her oral on Tasha, and just as she was about to tip over you pulled your cock out of Gemma’s pussy and dropped low, getting your lips around her upper pussy lips and clit and suckling firmly as you jammed two fingers into her, digging for her g-spot.

The squirt was a spray that hit your shoulder and neck as Gemma’s hips tried to thrust toward you - she’d let loose gushers before, but she’d never reached the velocity or amount that Sabrina had. This time she definitely did. The towels were super wet and you could smell her arousal all over you. And her orgasm kept rocking her, wave after wave of pleasure pulsing through her as her pussy hungrily tried to gobble on your fingers. You could only imagine what her ass would have felt like.

Then she was coming down, and your cock was so hard it was painful from watching your lover climax like that. You sat up and grabbed Tasha by the armpits and pulled her off of Gemma. With a glance at Sabrina you said, “Take care of her,” in reference to Gemma, and then you tossed Tasha to the bed on her stomach and were over top of her, covering her body with yours as you moved her arms over her head. Your cock was already grinding against her ass cheeks and she wiggled her hips back at you and moaned.

“I’m going to fuck your ass now, Tash,” you growled. “Just say yes.”

“Yes, God!” Tasha moaned. “Get the big fucking dick into my ass, John. Stop teasing me and sodomize me!”

You let go of her hands with one of yours, the other still keeping them pinned up, and you lifted your hips and used your free hand to get your cock into position.

Tasha wasn’t prepped like Gemma had been, with a buttplug eerily and then some lube, but she had gotten some prep from Gemma’s tonguing and likely some fingering. She also wasn’t an anal virgin and knew enough not to try and clench or resist. Popping into her ass was an animal pleasure, and you resisted the urge to drive into her deep and fast and slowly worked your cock in and out of her, taking more of her inch by inch.

Once you were finally deep into her, your hips pushing down on her cheeks, she heaved a sigh and flopped her head onto the bed sideways, looking up at you.

“Fuck me, John,” she whispered. “Fuck my ass like I’m one of your girlfriends and you know you can’t do anything that won’t make me feel good. Ruin my ass for any other guy, then shoot your cum so deep in me that I can taste it tomorrow morning.”

You leaned down and kissed the corner of her lips, not able to reach any further. And then you fucked her.

Chapter 420

Sabrina, the only one not to get fucked yet, knew exactly how to get Tasha over the edge and spill into a massive orgasm. You were pressing your body down onto the blonde heavily, feeling her sweat-slick skin against yours as you rutted into her and she moaned and panted with your cheek against hers. Sabrina had been cuddling with Gemma as the Australian recovered from her own mind-splitting orgasm, having pulled the strap-on off her slim hips so that she could snuggle more closely. Once Gemma was calmed down, however, and they had traded more than enough little kisses, Sabrina turned her attention to Tasha.

Slithering down the bed with a little evil grin on her face, Sabrina got her face close to yours and Tasha’s. “You want to really go bang, Tash?” she asked. “Wanna come like you did earlier?”

Tasha looked terrified and eager at the same time. When she’d gone multi-orgasmic it had been different from Gemma having her massive orgasm - she’d frozen up, seized by the overwhelming pleasure. She still hadn’t been able to explain it fully.

“Baby, maybe-” you started, wanting to tell Sabrina to tone it back a little, but Tasha interrupted.

“Yeah,” she grunted. “Make me go fucking cum-a-tose.”

Sabrina snickered and leaned in, kissing her lips, then raised up to kiss yours as well before she did something that might have been in the running for the nastiest sex act she’d done yet. Your girlfriend tugged the towel that had been on the bed beneath Gemma when she unleashed her big squirt, picking it up and then wrapping it around her foot, rubbing the girlcum-soaked fabric all over her foot and toes. Then she tossed the nasty towel off the side of the bed and crab-walked a little to get into position, keeping her foot in the air, and finally sat down on her butt and brought her sodden foot down to Tasha’s face and slowly dragged her toes down the other woman’s forehead, and nose, and finally presented them to her lips.

“Lick my toes clean, Tash,” Sabrina said with a raspy, low hum to her tone as she grinned. Then she wiggled her toes.

Tasha’s cry was soft but primal and she slathered her tongue across Sabrina’s sole before starting to like between her toes. Watching it didn’t necessarily do anything for you, but seeing and feeling Tasha’s deep surrender to her kink was sexy as hell and added to the pleasure you had boiling in your skull from the steady, rough assfucking you were giving her.

Wrapping your hand in her hair, you tilted her head a little and nastily licked her cheek from jaw to temple, marking her in an equally primal display, claiming her in that bedroom as the toy and plaything of your relationship. She was moaning around Sabrina’s foot, her eyes rolled back in her head, and you wedged your other arm down underneath her, worming your fingers to find her clit. You didn’t go soft - when you found it, you pinched it high on her mound and firmly.

She came, her body locking up for a moment as she sucked in air around Sabrina’s toes, but she exhaled just as fast.

“Not there yet,” Sabrina muttered to you.

You fucked harder, driving your cock into Tasha’s asshole and filling the room with the slapping of skin on skin. You played her clit like a DJ rocking his records, feeling her pussy leaking over your fingers. Sabrina wiggled her toes and got four of them between Tasha’s lips.

She came again, another small one.

“Fuck, Tasha,” you growled, leaning down more so you were pressing your lips to her ear. “Come for me, Tash. Come for us. We love every bit of you. Every kink, every laugh, every smile. Every inch of skin, every dark corner of your brain. You’re ours now, welcome in our bed whenever you want. In our lives. Come for us.”

She did, coming again, but still she came down quickly.

“I’ve got it,” Gemma said, getting up on her hands and knees and crawling to you. She went behind you, shifted one of your legs, and you felt her bend Tasha’s legs at the knees and raise them up. You glanced back over your shoulder and saw her suck both of Tasha’s big toes between her lips, smirking as she made eye contact with you and then running her tongue around Tasha’s smaller toes.

That did it, and Tasha seized and froze like before. Her pussy gushed juices, not in a squirt but in a wave of release. Her ass actually relaxed rather than tightening or flexing and you jammed your cock deep into her and used your hips to grind against her. She came, and came, and you grunted hard as you did as she asked and unloaded into her, your cum erupting from you and jetting into her bowels. You could feel your hands clench and your toes flex and your whole body ached at the power of your orgasm after everything with Gemma and then Tash.

She let out a tiny squeak, just a little ‘eep!’ at the feeling, her eyes still rolled back in her skull and her mouth drooling around Sabrina’s toe toes as she suckled on them like a baby with a soother.

When your orgasm finished you felt like all the energy had left your body and you tried to gasp for breath but it didn’t seem to help. There was a pounding in your brain, a demand that you needed a minute to reset, and you managed to get off of Tasha, your cock pulling from her well-used ass, before you flopped down beside her with a grunt and a cough as your vision went dark.

Chapter 421

You woke up to the sound of soft crying, and as you groaned and rolled onto your side you had to blink yourself back awake a bit.

“You passed out, love,” Gemma said softly. She was sitting up on the bed with Tasha clinging onto her as she sobbed, her arms wrapped around the other blonde. Sabrina was hugging Tasha from behind, running her fingers through Tasha’s hair and humming what sounded like a lullaby into her ear.

“Shit,” you grunted, blinking again to try and wake yourself. “Fuck, Tash-”

“She’s not hurt,” Gemma assured you. “Just a lot of emotions.”

You rolled off the edge of the bed to your feet, grunting again as you stretched out your back, then went and kissed Gemma gently on the cheek and rubbed Sabrina’s bare back as you kept moving and kissed the top of Tasha’s head. Wanting to move quickly, you ducked into the washroom and grabbed a new washcloth out of the drawers beneath the sink, wetting it down and quickly wiping down your torso, cock, balls and thighs before freshening it with new water and squeezing it out.

Back in the bedroom, the girls saw you coming and made space for you to sit on the edge of the bed as Sabrina backed off. You quietly urged Tasha to face you and you softly cleaned her face first, though the tears were still coming, and then you gave her a wipe-down, cleaning her from neck to thighs, taking particular care around her breasts and pussy. Sabrina took the washcloth from you, and you hugged Tasha and picked her up into a cradle carry as she let go of Gemma and clung to you.

You carried Tash out into the living room, heading for the couch and sitting on it at one end, grabbing the blanket Sabrina kept nearby and quickly wrapping it around the two of you as she snuggled in deep in your arms, burying her face against your chest. She was trembling slightly as you held her. You could also hear Gemma and Sabrina talking quietly in the bedroom and saw them quickly cleaning themselves and the room up. The towels from the bed, and the sheets, got thrown into the washroom in a laundry bin and they put new sheets on the bed. Then they cleaned themselves up much the way you had cleaned yourself and Tasha. Eventually, they came out after you’d been sitting quietly and holding Tasha for a good ten minutes.

Gemma was dressed in a tank top with no bra and cotton shorts, while Sabrina had on sweatpants and one of your t-shirts. They were each carrying clothes as well and began a production of slipping the blanket off of you and Tasha and dressing you. Tasha had one of your sweaters the girls liked to borrow slipped over her head, and a pair of sweatpants that she must have brought with her pulled up her legs until she sat up and helped get them up over her hips. You had a t-shirt pulled over your head by Sabrina, who took a moment to kiss you through the fabric while your head was trapped, but you couldn’t put pants on without letting go of Tasha.

Once clothes were (mostly) on, Tasha sighed and wiped at her eyes. “God, I’m sorry. That one- Fuck.”

“Do you want to talk about it?” Gemma asked, perching her butt on the edge of the coffee table and taking one of Tasha’s hands in hers.

“It’s just more of the same stuff, I think,” Tasha said and then sniffed. “Well, mostly. I talked with John about it, and with you guys. I just- the sex was amazing, and feeling John so deep… but then you guys just kept adding on. Like, I can’t explain how… special I felt as you did everything you could to rock my world. I know the foot stuff isn’t your jam, but you just jump in and do it because you know I like it. You do things for me, just because. You’re spending this entire weekend on me when you guys have a limited amount of time before you need to leave. And John,” she turned a little, still sitting in your lap and lightly hit your chest playfully. “You have a way of saying the most fucking heart-wrenching things, you bastard. From anyone else, I would have thought what you said to me was corny or fake or just dirty talk, but you make me feel it. I- God, I love you guys, and I don’t even need you to say it back because I just know it and I think that’s what most of the crying was about was that I’ve spent so fucking long surrounding myself with people who are superficial or self-centred and mirroring that when I could have been finding and building relationships with people like you guys. I just - I felt whole and happy and clean on Thursday, and I felt it so purely again just now. Even with cum in my ass and slobber and pussy stank all over my face.”

“Tash, babe, you’ve sure got a way with words,” Sabrina said with a broad smile. She’d been headed for the kitchen, only a dozen paces away, when Tasha started her explanation and now she was coming back with the Gatorade’s I’d been considering earlier. She cracked the first one open and held it out to Tasha. “And just to be clear, we do love you, babe. We can say it back.”

Tasha accepted the Gatorade and took a long sip, and you received the next one from Sabrina.

“Agreed,” Gemma said. “We do love you, Tasha. And you’re very special to us - we each have our own people from our lives before this summer, before we became a throuple. Coming out of this summer, you’re one of the three people who we can say are our first and closest friends. And one of them is a distant third since he’s a bit of an ass, he’s just our ass.”

Tasha snorted softly and nodded. “Who am I in competition with for first place?” she asked.

“Becks,” Sabrina said. “The girl we brought to your party.”

“Oh, her,” Tasha said. “Makes sense. Fuck, she’s super pretty, too.”

“And single,” Sabrina said with a grin.

Tasha rolled her eyes. “I don’t think I’m looking for a relationship. Especially not my first lesbian one.”

“Don’t knock it ‘till you try it,” Gemma said, pulling Sabrina down to sit on her knee and kissing her shoulder. “It’s pretty great.”

“I’ll remind you two that Becks is also only a ‘Girls are Fun’ kind of lady, and likes sizable dicks,” you said.

Tasha chuckled and shook her head before taking another sip of her Gatorade. You saw a glance between Gemma and Sabrina as Tasha was drinking and not looking at them, and you thought you saw the birth of a new scheme forming between them.

Chapter 422

“Good morning, beautiful,” you murmured.

Tasha, and you knew it was Tasha this time, grumbled a little and wriggled back against you a little more. You could feel Gemma spooning up against your back, her tits pressed lightly against you, and Sabrina was on the other side of Tasha having fallen asleep nose to nose with her.

All four of you were slowly waking up, and you felt the delicious sensation of both Gemma and Tasha stretching at the same time.

“God, last night was a lot,” Tasha mumbled.

“Just last night?” Sabrina asked with a chuckle in her voice.

“OK,” Tasha acquiesced. “Yesterday as a whole was a lot.”

“How are you feeling, babe?” Gemma asked, reaching over you to rub Tasha’s arm. All the clothes had come back off before bed so you were feeling every naked brush of skin.

“I ache,” Tasha said. “In a good way, but still. I feel like my entire body got fucked, not just my pussy and ass.”

“Been there,” Sabrina said. “You know what helps?”

“Shower Time with John,” Gemma said.

“Exactly,” Sabrina said.

“And what’s supposed to help John with that feeling?” you groaned a little, but were unable to shake the smile from your lips. “I am fucked out. My balls are little raisins rattling around in a dried-out husk of a sack. I don’t think my penis will ever get that hard again.”

“He’s lying,” Tasha said. “His cock is wedged between my buttcheeks.”

“Ooh, morning booty,” Sabrina giggled.

“God, no,” Tasha laughed. “I’m gonna be sitting funny for a week!”

“Hey now,” Gemma said. “How do you think I feel?”

“Don’t you call yourself his anal queen?” Tasha asked.

“Doesn’t change the fact that I’ll be walking like I work on a horse ranch,” Gemma said as she brushed her fingers through your hair and teased your ear.

“Fine, we’re all in need of shower time,” you said. “Who is getting in with me first?”

In the end, you really did spend an hour in the shower with each of them. Tasha went first, giving Sabrina and Gemma a chance to snuggle under the covers a bit longer. The way she was moaning as you washed and massaged her body, you thought she might actually have an orgasm. Then she’d turned her attention on you, and you ended up with your cock in her mouth as she softly sucked you off and massaged your balls with one hand.

“Not quite raisins yet,” she giggled, teasing you.

When Sabrina finally came in to take her turn, you were balls deep in Tasha and slowly fucking her. You couldn’t resist. Sabrina slipped into the shower with you and made out with her as you fucked, and once she’d come she made room and you ended up buried in Sabrina as they started making out again. You came in your girlfriend, which set her off into a little orgasm as well, and then Tasha got out and started drying off as you began the shower ritual with Sabrina.

Once Tasha was gone, Sabrina got a look in her eye and you knew she wanted to reenact that trade-off with Gemma, but you managed to fend off her teasing fingers and keep her occupied by finishing up washing her and then making out with her while you kept a hand on her throat. That might have been a bad long-term move because it meant she would be wanting more of that later in the day, but it saved you in the moment.

Finally, Gemma came in and the girlfriends traded places, and she seemed to understand that you just needed some time and after you washed her she paid some extra attention to you doing the same, having you sit on the floor of the shower so she could massage your scalp.

Afterwards you were banished from the washroom so that the girls could make use of the mirror and sink, and after a half hour, they paraded out dressed for Sunday morning brunch. Each of them was in a pretty sundress, and you got a kiss from each pretty set of glossed lips before they headed to put their shoes on. The only delay was Gemma figuring out that Sabrina was going commando and sending her to put on panties, and then Tasha getting caught doing the same thing and sheepishly following Sabrina.

The brunch place was busy, but that was OK and the four of you waited half an hour to get a table, just making small talk by telling stories about yourselves from high school. Once you had finally sat down and had ordered, you felt someone run their foot up your inside leg and could quickly tell that it was Gemma by the way she was smiling at you.

“Alright,” Sabrina said, pulling all of your attention. “For clarity’s sake, we have entered the final phase of the operation. Before closing statements, I would like to solicit feedback from the target - Tasha, how do you think we did? How are you feeling?”

Tasha laughed lightly and shook her head, giving Sabrina a look. “You know damn well that I feel better than I have in months. Maybe years.”

“Good,” Sabrina grinned. “Then I think I can record that as five out of five stars?”

“Six out of five, if that’s an option,” Tasha smirked.

“Expand the stars options, noted,” Sabrina chuckled.

“OK, jokesters,” Gemma said, leaning in and lowering her voice a bit. “Tasha, babe, we do have that last decision we talked about, but before you want to answer - God, this is hard to put into words - we love you. For real. And we really do think of you as one of our first, best friends as a group. And we want you in our lives as much as you want to be, as a friend and a lover, but… Before you decide how much of that you want, I know this weekend has been big on an emotional level. We love you, but we aren’t in love with you. We want to keep hanging out with you, and sleeping with you, but we’re not looking to expand our relationship. We want you to be our slut sister for John, and with each of us, but not to be a girlfriend. So with that said, you can draw any lines you think are best for yourself. And if you decide we’re just friends, then we’ll be the best damn ‘just friends’ we can be.”

Tasha smiled, obviously sadly, and nodded. “I know,” she said. “That’s been in the back of my mind, honestly. And it’s the last part of what made the end of last night so emotional. I know you guys are a trio, and I’m just getting a taste - or a big heaping plateful - because you’re choosing to share it with me. I’m not gonna lie, if you did want me to join up in an actual full relationship, I would seriously be considering it. We’re just- you three have a trajectory that I can’t really follow without giving up my own goals and life. I’m going to be a comic, I’m going to tell jokes to theatres and arenas full of people. That’s what I know my calling is, what I’m supposed to be doing. You’re right, I love you guys. Fuck, I love you guys more than I think I might love any of my old friends. And I’ll admit I’ve got a major crush on John because of how I see him treating both of you and how he treats me. John, you might be super lucky to have Sabrina and Gemma, but they are so fucking lucky to have you, too. A crush isn’t being in love though. And, I think, a crush can be innocent and dirty at the same time with you guys.”

“So you wanna be our fuckbuddy lover?” Sabrina asked.

“Yes,” Tasha said with a grin. “I want to be your fuckbuddy lover. I want to play pretend sometimes with you three, and be swarmed by love and lust, and I want to be the best friend I can for you too.”

You reached across the table, taking her hand in yours and squeezing it as you looked into her eyes. “Love you, Tash,” you said.

She winked and smiled at you. “Love you too, big guy,” she said. “And the universal cock.”

Gemma barked a laugh that drew attention to your table, and Sabrina suppressed her giggles by physically covering her mouth. You just flushed a little and shook your head as you looked at Tasha and she grinned at you.

Chapter 423

“Oh my God,” Sabrina groaned. “We’ve got so much fucking work to doooo.”

You’d said goodbye to Tasha after brunch, each of you giving her a kiss goodbye and you giving her butt a quick squeeze and making her laugh. Now you were back at Sabrina’s and the Mock Trial notes were back out.

“We’ve still got a week, and next weekend,” Gemma said. “We have time.”

“I know,” Sabrina sighed. “But it’s all happening so fast. One week of work, then the week after we do the mock trial. Then there’s one more week before the week you leave!”

“That means we’ve got three more weekends,” you pointed out. “And we want to make the most of them.” You stopped again and sighed, looking over at Gemma as you both sat on the floor of Sabrina’s living room. “It’s going to be so fucking hard to say goodbye, love.”

“Hard for you, horrible for me,” Sabrina said. “You get to go see her for that wedding in December.”

“Sabrina, I- You deserve to-” Gemma started.

“No, shush,” Sabrina waved her off. “It’s fine, I understand. It’s going to be hard to try and explain things and you’d rather not make yourself the spectacle at someone else’s wedding. I get it. Plus, I get him all to myself for the school year and the holidays.”

“I still wish I could make it work to have you both come,” Gemma sighed.

“We’ll be together soon enough, I’ll just miss you so much,” Sabrina said.

The three of you got to work, spending the entirety of the afternoon focused on the trial prep. There were almost a hundred different documents in the mock trial files, including all sorts of interview transcripts, police reports, insurance claims, and medical documents - it felt like someone must have spent a year just putting the thing together as they fabricated all the bits and pieces. And you all knew you needed to have all that information on hand, but that so much of it would be pointless, or set up as red herrings. That was the point of such a high-level mock trial - it wasn’t really about the trial days so much as the prep beforehand.

A great lawyer didn’t just talk the talk, they walked the walk and poured everything into the preparation. The law wasn’t like they made it seem on TV - that was one lesson that Garrison had done a great job of instilling in the three of you.

It wasn’t until dinner, which Sabrina ordered in, that you ended up groaning softly as you let your mind wander.

“What is it, baby?” Sabrina asked.

“I’m thinking of the fact that I need to go back to my place tonight because I have no clean clothes here,” you said. “And that means I need to face Mosche after… everything.”

“He’s a cheater and a coward,” Gemma said. “And you didn’t do anything until after Tasha broke up with him. There’s nothing to feel guilty about.”

“Easy to say, harder to feel,” you said. “There’s a reason why Bro Code and Girl Code aren’t actually written down - it’s so that people with morals feel guilty and people without morals can pretend they don’t exist. I don’t want to be the second guy.”

“You aren’t,” Sabrina said, shifting over on the couch and sliding to sit on your lap sideways as she looked at you. “You’re a good person, John. This weekend, yeah, you might have gotten some wild sex. But you also helped a woman who had been through the wringer. You helped build her up holistically, every part of her. She deserved it, and so did you.”

“It was your plan, love,” Gemma said, coming down the couch to lean against you but looking at Sabrina. “John and I helped, but you spearheaded it. You get… sixty-five per cent of the credit.”

“I’ll take fifty per cent and that’s my final offer,” Sabrina smirked.

“Deal,” Gemma said, scrunching up her nose as she smiled. Then her smile slipped. “Speaking of going home, I need to face the music at some point too. Lucy is going to be fucking awful to deal with.”

“Just stay with me tonight, and we can go to yours tomorrow after work,” Sabrina said.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to go over there,” you said. “Even if it is OK with Becca and Charlotte - Lucy is being an entire barrel of bitchy, but it’s still her home too.”

“Oh, no,” Sabrina said smarmily. “You’ll both just need to come back here tomorrow night. I have no idea what I’ll do!”

Gemma tickled Sabrina on that one, and you ended up helping until Sabrina fell off your lap to the floor to escape. Gemma took the opportunity and took her spot on your lap, hugging her arms around you. “There are potentially other issues coming up,” she said as the three of you calmed back down.

“Joy and the threat of a lawsuit?” Sabrina guessed.

“That’s one,” Gemma nodded. “Then there’s your business stuff. Did that model keep messaging you?”

“A bit. We aren’t, like, super bantering back and forth like besties or anything,” Sabrina said.

“But there’s a potential she might want to collaborate with you, right? So we need to talk about what that looks like, especially if it’s when I’m not even here.”

Sabrina sighed and nodded. “Can we talk about that later, though?” she asked. “I mean, it’s important, but there isn’t a rush on it. And right now my brain is fried and I kind of just want to snuggle with you guys. Is that OK?”

“Of course it is,” you said with Gemma nodding her agreement.

The three of you, not finding a way you wanted to snuggle on the couch, ended up back in Sabrina’s bedroom as you spooned up - this time Sabrina was the little spoon, Gemma was in the middle and you were the big spoon, reaching around to hold the both of them as you watched Castle on Sabrina’s laptop.

“This was a really great weekend,” Sabrina said after one episode ended and the countdown started for the next.

“I can think of one thing that would make it even better,” Gemma said.

“Explain this mythical ‘better than this’ that you speak of,” Sabrina said.

“John,” Gemma said, putting on a sweet and syrupy voice. “Could you go make us ice cream sundaes?”

“Ooh, you’re right, baby,” Sabrina said. “That is the best end to this weekend.”

With a laugh and a sigh you slipped out of bed. “As you wish,” you said.

“With more emotion,” Gemma replied, giving you a grin.

You backed away out of the bedroom, waving your hands like you were getting sucked out by an invisible force. “Aaaas yoooouuuu wiiiiisssshhh!”

The laughs of your girlfriends were utterly satisfying.



I normally don't chime in much, but I just wanted to say I thought this was really well written- needs some editing polish but doesn't everything?- and I really enjoy this new schedule. I hope it is working for you as well.


The spellchecked version is now edited into the post if anyone was waiting for that!


I'm definitely liking this new release schedule/method.

Admiral Ale

Read the beginning note only. Looking forward to QT NW & AMA weeks. Stay safe.


With the strapon scene there is a mistake where you say his instead of hers. I really like the new release schedule and I think it also makes it feel faster and more relaxed (also easier to follow) Also glad that Tasha didn’t join our favorite trio